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Show highlights include:

Why being an eternal optimist gets you through tough market times (2:34)
How having a winning mindset lets you pick the right stocks (3:37)
The “Acceptable Loser Method” that puts you in winning financial positions (6:58)
Why complaining ruins your portfolio (and how you can change that today) (8:47)
How making negative decisions derails your bank account (10:27)
Why thinking “I’ll do better next time” hurts your nest egg (12:38)

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Show highlights include:

The “That’s When It’s Time To Fly The Plane” method that lets you take a few days off during a rough market stretch (0:31)
Why owning Tesla stock hinders your retirement (and how you can change that today) (4:54)
The “401K Exit Strategy” that fills your wallet (even if you are still working) (5:11)
How paying the early withdrawal penalty skyrockets your portfolio (7:15)

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Show highlights include:

How having a panic attack at 2 AM lets you pick stock market winners (5:04)
Why buying stocks based on PE ratios skyrockets your wealth (8:01)
The “Bucket Concept” that splits up your portfolio to net you cash today and ten years from now (10:25)
Why taking a mental break during hard times forces you to increase your capacity (and how that lets opportunities find you to invest in today) (13:00)

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Show highlights include:

Why wasting tons of money on self-help courses nets you even more cash in your wallet (3:38)
The “3-Phase System” that diligently and positively transforms your financial life (4:40)
How ignoring your emotions skyrockets your bank account (8:30)
Why splitting your assets into two groups (mega-cap growth and commodities) sets you up for long-term returns (and how you cam start picking those assets today) (11:37)

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Show highlights include:

The “Retirement White Board” method that builds your nest egg (2:41)
Why doing high school math supplements your social security check (4:30)
How eating a free breakfast at Dave and Buster’s increases your portfolio (6:37)
Why taking out a home equity loan builds the foundation for retirement (10:57)

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Show highlights include:

The “Secret Ingredient To Success” that lets you enjoy the triumph of financial growth (1:29)
Why putting kindness on autopilot cultivates relationships (even if you already love your family and friends) (4:54)
How having loyalty breeds love, grace, and mercy for others that prepares your generational wealth (6:27)
Why actively listening to others shows them the gratitude they’ve earned (even if they don’t deserve it) (9:15)

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Show highlights include:

How speaking out loud how much money you want commits you to growing your portfolio (2:05)
Why using the “Bank On Yourself” method lets you become your own banker (and how you can capture interest you would have handed to a Wall Street bank) (4:18)
The “FIRE Strategy” that pays off all of your debt before your 40th birthday (5:37)
Why putting all of your money into a 401K limits you from actualizing your full income potential (and how you can tweak your 401K today) (8:14)

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Show highlights include:

How fishing in a pond makes you rich (even if you have no money) (2:35)
Why educating yourself financially gives you the tools to own a farm (and how you can start today to grow your nest egg) (4:02)
How teaching your kids and grandkids about “class and respect” makes them independent, critical thinkers to be able to grow your inherited “generational wealth portfolio” (6:12)
Why subscribing to “Thought Inequality Indoctrination” destroys your riches (and how you change that immediately) (8:04)

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Show highlights include:

Why asking yourself challenging questions sets you up for financial freedom (even if you don’t know the answers) (3:02)
How writing a check for college funding grows your bank account (6:05)
The “All-In Commitment” process that builds your retirement nest egg (8:25)
Why getting your kids and family involved with money creates generational wealth (and how you can start doing that today) (11:56)

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Show highlights include:

How preparing for your upcoming financial season puts you in a winning position (even if you are scared of the market) (2:16)
Why predicting the market gives you “buyers remorse” (and how you can avoid that like the plague) (4:48)
The “Price Target Trade Method” that forces you to grow your portfolio (5:10)
Why complaining about living a mediocre life fills your pocketbook (6:12)

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