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Show highlights include:

How changing your “definition of OK” lets you become wealthy enough to drink champagne on jets every day (2:55)
Why having a financial advisor lets you ignore stock market downturns and profit when it rises (3:37)
How monetizing your “needlepoint skills” adds zeros to your portfolio (4:41)
The “Gym Studio” method that increases your net worth (5:13)
Why having cancer doubles your life insurance policy (8:51)

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Show highlights include:

The “Born Empty-Handed” method that attracts wealth into your life. (2:22)
How applying Proverbs 18:16 fills your bank account with cash (even if you don’t read the Bible) (3:29)
Why discovering your personal gift is easier than talking to a friend (and how to leverage your gift to make you wealthy) (3:58)
How watching a bird fall out of its nest helps you grow your financial portfolio (6:09)
Why retiring 7-10 years early lets you build your nest egg faster than working hard until you’re 70.READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Why buying Tesla stock could put you on Easy Street (and how you make that right choice) (2:37)
How embracing change lets you feel like Joel Embiid dunking the game-winning basket (3:29)
Why holding a static financial position forces you to change your portfolio against your will (and how taking one step backward helps you take two steps forward financially) (5:11)
The “Crowded Gym” method that makes you more efficient at picking financial opportunities (6:10)

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Show highlights include:

How to move to an exotic paradise abroad (even if you’re dead broke) (1:11)
Why putting your kids through college screws up your retirement plan (and how it could make you retire 10-15 years late) (3:10)
Why accepting a mediocre job offer after college helps you build your financial portfolio more than waiting for your dream job (5:13)
The “One Shot” method that teaches you how to save for your kids college fund (6:41)
Why watching a NASCAR race gets you back on track for a wealthy retirement (10:42)
The “Pollyanna Dream” that destroys your financial future (and how to keep your money instead) (13:29)
How reading mean Tweets allows you to focus on your dreams (14:07)

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Show highlights include:

How driving to your favorite spot at 3:30 AM helps you grow your business (1:41)
Why negative thinking stunts your business’ growth  (and how you change both going the other direction) (3:14)
The “Abundance Mindset” that grows your portfolio faster than bamboo (6:26)
Why focusing on mental growth allows you to increase financial holdings (7:15)
Why building a wealth team supports your personal growth for making better financial decisions (9:04)
How kindergarten flash cards floods your bank account with cash (11:07)

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Show highlights include:

“The Great Depression” strategy for adding huge net worth to your portfolio (without suffering severe losses) (2:49)
Why having a pension and social security no longer puts you on Easy Street (even if your house is paid off) (3:19)
How putting all your eggs-in-one-basket (your house) bankrupts you financially for the rest of your life (5:02)
The age-defying tool that pays off your mortgage, (and how you get that even if you are older than 50) (8:23)
The “nothing less, nothing more” plan of paying your mortgage that stockpiles life insurance to pay off your debt for you (9:46)
Why refinancing an equity line of credit every three years allows you to see the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (11:41)

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Show highlights include:

Why crippling anxiety attacks actually help you write a crystal clear mental vision for your success (2:36)
How propaganda perpetrated by the media and the loss of freedom(s) in today’s society are quelled with meditation and help you overcome chaos and disorder (6:01)
Why not having an unequivocal purpose in life drains wealth you’ll accumulate (and how it may even curse you) (9:46)
How pathways form in your brain to resolve conflict and avoid self-medication by using the “Positive Mantra” that prevents you from reaching a mental breakdown (10:19)
How a weird way fulfills the prophecy of your wildest dreams coming true (even if you don’t know how to chant “ohmmm”) (12:07)

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Show highlights include:

How going to bed as early as 8 PM makes a huge difference in how you treat your clients better (0:38)
Why paying a mentor hundreds of dollars a month will help hold you accountable to reap thousands of dollars a month financially (1:30)
How to learn from an elephant with massive power but hindered by one simple stake (3:09)
How to force money into being an indentured servant for you (4:33)
The mindset of “Getting Out of Debt” actually holds you back from being “Financially Independent” (and how to flip the page from negative to positive thinking for financial wealth) (6:26)
Why taking the “proper actions” in anything you do will get you the “proper results” you are looking for (15:19)

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Show highlights include:

How having a “Financial Guru Approved” system in place practically guarantees you’re successful at school (0:56)
The “Secret Weapon” that gets you into Harvard, Yale, or even MIT (1:58)
How being part of an after-school study group is like the stock market for your brain (4:55)
Why elementary schools struggle with fundamental math skills that can plague them for life (and how you change it before middle school starts) (8:04)
The pros and cons of “live in-person” tutoring versus “computerized” tutoring (and which benefits you when you are motivated and focused) (12:49)

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Show highlights include:

The #1 reason why people go watch their net worth tank (and how to  prevent it by this week) (4:19)
How to leverage your life insurance to buy a new car (5:48)
Why life insurance protects your family from financial devastation (8:04) 
The “Cash Value Secret” that makes permanent life insurance as easy as swiping your credit card (10:41)
Why being “sold” life insurance ruins your life (and how to get a plan that fits your unique situation) (11:10)
How to stop Uncle Sam from over-taxing your estate after your death (and still have enough cash to cover your funeral) (12:10)

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