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There is absolutely nothing more exciting than stepping into your potential!
Today we’re going to talk about what’s possible when you playing BIGGER in your life.
We’ll talk about how to shut down any messages that are holding you back and welcome in the messages that encourage you to expand.… READ MORE

Most of us are misdiagnosing our exhaustion. We feel tired but we think it’s because we’re not getting enough exercise…or maybe its age… or maybe its hormonal.
So we shrug our shoulders and refuel mid-day with coffee or sugar.… READ MORE

There is a voice inside your head that is trying to shut down your dreams. If you let it win, it’s a voice that will hold you back and keep you playing small even when you’re capable of so much more.
Today, we’ll talk about what that voice is REALLY trying to tell you when you’re edging beyond your comfort zone…and why you probably shouldn’t listen if you want to fulfill your potential.… READ MORE

There are areas in your life where you do not need to tolerate discomfort, where you have choices. However, there are other areas of your life where you do need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Discomfort is a sign of growth.… READ MORE

Sometimes, no matter how much we love what we do, there’s this little voice at the back of our minds that triggers our mom guilt.
And the reason for it is because we can’t be everywhere at once. We’re stuck in that place between what we WANT to do and what we NEED to do.… READ MORE

We’ve all been there…trapped in a conversation we can’t get out of. You want to say no, but you worry about letting someone down and you suddenly find yourself saying yes.
An inability to say no shows up in many ways.… READ MORE

Being multi-passionate can work against you if you’re not prioritizing your time and managing your energy.
It’s critically important to set boundaries so your choices can have a bigger impact in the places that matter most to you.… READ MORE

Do you ever struggle to keep certain tasks on your radar while others get done with ease?
Or do you find yourself with an idea a minute and no time to accomplish them all?
Today you will learn exactly how to create the time and space to get things done.… READ MORE

On today’s podcast, I am going to share a bit of my personal journey and tell you a few things I wish I’d known when I started on the path to entrepreneurship.
If you are contemplating making the leap from corporate life to entrepreneurship, you won’t want to miss these lessons!READ MORE

It’s inevitable. At some point, life will throw you a curveball.
Enduring a hard day at the office or facing barriers on your way toward a big goal. Most high achievers are hardwired to believe this is the only way.… READ MORE

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