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“Do not get lazy. Do not think that this is easy. Do not take how much demand buyers have to want to buy something for granted right now.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:

Main Topic:
Reality vs Hype
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:


“I can’t play a video in my email. I could and use a service like BombBomb. But that’s not what I want to do. I want to drive them back somewhere else because then I know where they’re at. “ – Darin Persinger

It’s either invest time into doing this once and have it work for at least a year at a minimum, maybe three years.…


“If you invest in great, video, great pictures, guess what’s going to happen. You get engagement.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
Video View Cost Facebook:
.01 Property Video
.04 Info Video
Video View Cost You Tube:
youtube 460 views $5 Info Video
4,696 views $50 Property Video
Main Topic:
Why I’m Bullish On Video Marketing For Real Estate Agents Again
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:


“I think you got it coming out from multiple angles, and you have to let go of this idea of “Oh, this might be annoying to them.”” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
40% of established salespeople experienced serious unwillingness to make calls
Main Topic:
Persistence & Annoyed Is Perception
3 Questions to ask yourself:


“What you’d find is you have a whole group of people that are just unaware of what it is, what you have and what you offer.” – Darin Persinger

Numbers never Lie:
94% World’s population can recognize the coca cola red and white logo
Main Topic:
A New Look at Working with Ready, Willing and Able Clients


You are listening to the best of The Making Agents Rich Show and today is the final installment of the best of for this session.
We went back into the archives, the first 50 shows of Making Agents Rich and we picked out some of the cornerstone content.…


You are listening to the best of The Making Agents Rich Show.
Darren and I got together and picked our four favorite shows from the first 50.
I can’t believe that we’ve done over 160 shows so we went back and picked our four favorite shows from the first 50 Making Agents Rich Shows since iTunes has buried all that and we’re bringing it back to you because this is cornerstone content.…


You are listening to the Making Agents Rich show and again we’re bringing you the best of. We started this last week because we noticed that iTunes has just kind of done away with some of our older shows and what Darren and I have decided to do is bring you the best of the top for the first 50 shows because we’ve done over 160 shows.…


You are listening to the Making Agents Rich show and today we’re going to do something a little different in fact for the entire month, we’re going to do something a little different. It seems that iTunes has changed things up yet again and they have buried our older shows and so Darren and I were talking and we thought that after doing over 160 shows it was time to kind of bring back some of the best of Making Agents Rich and share what I’d like to call or what we affectionately refer to as our cornerstone content, things that we repeat, recurring themes basically the stuff that Making Agents Rich is built on.…



Main Topic:
Productivity Getter Values 9-12
9. Next Level vs Clearing the Board
10. Be Solutions Oriented
11. Get help with Blind-Spots
12. No Excuses, No Regrets…


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