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Compare your way to retirement with a road trip.
You load up your fortune truck with a portfolio of assets, and fuel it with enough income for a pleasant journey.
The goal may be a legacy for your family, maintaining vibrant health, or a visit to the Galapagos Islands.… READ MORE

Most people don’t realize a disgusting secret I learned about the courtroom:
Everyone is working against you. They’re all on the same team, and you’re the opponent.
But don’t worry. If you’re up against corrupt attorneys and judges, there’s a little-known power move you can use that almost guarantees you’ll win your case.… READ MORE

With expected farm income taking a nosedive, and the highest borrowing costs in over a decade, agriculture seems to be on the ropes.
By this logic, we could expect less mergers and acquisitions in the industry, but reality seems far different.… READ MORE

Real estate investing is a great generational wealth creator.
Not only do you have amazing tax benefits, but the appreciation over the years and access to easy cash flow gives you the chance to quit your day job and even retire long before your peers.… READ MORE

When summer begins for your kids, not much changes for YOU in terms of work life and rhythm, especially if you’re a working mom.
Meanwhile your kids are clamoring for even more attention and care than during the school year.… READ MORE

Most dads believe that having it all – a life filled with faith, health, marriage, fatherhood, brotherhood, and business is impossible. They believe that people that have perfect lives are unique unicorns.… READ MORE

How soon can I charge a high ticket? Soon as today.
A lot of coaches and consultants undercharge because they believe they need one more thing done.
But the truth is that you need nothing else.
And if you want to move from struggling at the bottom of your industry to becoming a well-paid high earner, I can help you.… READ MORE

Many financial advisors think they must sacrifice everything they love in order to build a successful business. For example, they’ll take another prospect call instead of spending the afternoon with their son.… READ MORE

Ever wonder why blue-collar workers tend to take it easy on the job instead of hustling to get things done quicker?
It all comes down to how they’re paid – by the hour.
See, they know that their paycheck is determined, not by their work quality, but by the number of hours they put in.… READ MORE

As if having Diabetes isn’t difficult on its own.  You must watch your diet, take insulin, and live a healthy lifestyle.
Then, you’re a pilot and must deal with the laundry list of the FAA requirements – even if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.… READ MORE

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