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A CEO is like a general.
If you acquire a company, you also take responsibility for a legion of new employees.
And if you don’t gain the loyalty of your followers, like a bad general, your M&A will fail.… READ MORE

Being a sales leader means juggling numerous responsibilities all at once.
Coaching, interpreting data, planning, selling with the team, reporting —the list goes on….
With so much on our plates, it can be challenging to demonstrate genuine care as leaders.… READ MORE

The stats are out.  About 20% of startup businesses fail within the first two years, and only about 50% of those businesses last five years.  Think about it – all that time, capital and sweat only to have a mediocre chance of survival.… READ MORE

Be honest – is there clutter accumulated in your space? Your office, home, garage or even your closet? We ALL have it!
But this clutter is insidious. Because after a while it can blend in and start to look as part of the decor  to us.… READ MORE

Being a special needs teacher comes with a lot of responsibilities, as you’ve to cater to every student individually.
And what about the pay? Not the route to a million dollar business.
Which is why Wes made his pivot and now makes more for doing less.… READ MORE

If you haven’t hired a virtual assistant you’re losing time & money…
Because they get 100x more work done in less time—for a fraction of the cost as American hires.
But there’s a catch…
Hiring a virtual assistant can be tricky.… READ MORE

A lot of dads are sold the dream of entrepreneurship.  This is why the 4-hour workweek is one of the bestselling books.
You know the dream – you work for a couple hours and then sit on a beach and do nothing for the rest of the day.  … READ MORE

You’ve probably heard a million times that success doesn’t come easy.
But have you ever wondered why?
The truth is, real success only blossoms when you step out of your comfort zone…
It’s in that space where you try new things and develop skills you never thought you were capable of.… READ MORE

70% of financial advisors who clear over 7-figures per year have something in common:
They have a niche, which gives them “expert” status in their market’s minds and makes scaling to 7-figures (and beyond) a cakewalk.… READ MORE

Most people avoid hard work. They want instant results and see anything else as a waste of time.
But there’s no substitute for becoming better. And becoming better starts with a work ethic that never stops.… READ MORE

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