Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design
The Truth About Overnight Success w/ Abby Walker

You hear the stories all the time.
Athletes, musicians, entrepreneurs…everyone talks about their so-called overnight success.
When suddenly they burst onto the scene and everyone is talking about how great they are.
So here’s a little reassurance if you’re feeling like you’ve been hustling your butt off way too long to ever be called an “overnight” success.
There’s no such thing.
“Every overnight success takes about 10 years.”
I love this quote! Often times we only see the current success of an entrepreneur but we never realize how long it took to achieve.
Today on the podcast we have Abby Walker CEO of Vivian Lou Inc. Her company is dedicated to helping women look and feel better in high heels!
How cool is the that?
She’s also written a book called Strap On A Pair, this book is all about helping women find their “something more.”
She’s got an awesome story to share with us today about how she overcame struggles and failure!
Seriously she’s got such a great energy you won’t wanna miss this!