Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Ever wonder how you could talk less and sell more?

If you hate getting on the phone with prospects who aren't prequalified.

Having too push too hard to get the sale.

This post is for you.

How you can talk less and sell more.

Wouldn't life be great if you only had calls with people ready to buy?

But you're too busy wasting time handling objections instead of getting the deal closed.

So right now you're wondering how to get on calls with people who are prequalified.

The answer is adding podcasting to your sales funnel.

Yes, you can talk less and sell more.

One of the biggest mistakes people make with podcasting is not having a plan to get maximum leverage from their show.

You record a show, post it up, and forget about it.

The next week you do it again.

Before you know it you're stuck on the hamster wheel of creating new content every week with minimal impact and maximum effort.

If you do things the right way, The Podcast Factory way, you can talk less and sell more.

But what if you hate to write?

Because you suffer from writers block.

Or maybe you think it's too much work.

Here's how you can talk less and sell more

This is how you can do it in 3 easy steps:

First: Plan content that makes you unforgettable to your market.

Second: Get your podcasting equipment and record your show.

Third: Assemble your content.

Having audio is great, but there's so much more you can do when you record your podcast.

To make maximum impact with your podcast you should also have:

  • Mixed and mastered audio podcast
  • Power Notes™ (blog and eNewsletter)
  • eMail promos
  • Power Quotes™ (LinkedIn and Instagram)
  • You Tube version
  • Power Clips™ (Social media posts)

Because you're leveraging every word you speak to create more content bursts you can talk less and sell more.

Adding these assets into your content strategy will make your sales easier when people get on the phone with you.

Talk less and sell more: Recap

Hate getting on the phone with people who aren't prequalified?

Put a podcast in your sales funnel so you can talk less and sell more.

All you have to do is record content that handles objections.

Turn those recordings into audio, video, and graphic assets.

Deploy them on your social media channels and to your eMail list.

So when people get on the phone with you they are pre-sold.

Ready to talk less and sell more?

Over the last 10 years me and my team at The Podcast Factory have helped 34 experts create podcasts that help them talk less and sell more.

Our experts have become influential leaders using our Direct Response Podcast™ framework.

Want to know how you can plug this system into your business for faster sales?

Book a call with me and I'll give you the podcasting action plan you need to hit your goals.

Schedule your call at http://ThePodcastFactory.com/difm/

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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