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Some say that paying attention to small things make big things happen. And while you may not be able to get everything perfect, paying attention to the details is where you make something great.
Details are more important than time.… READ MORE

We accumulate an almost unlimited amount of treasures throughout our life. But most of these treasures are material.
While material treasures have their place in your life, your kids and grandkids will never cherish them like you did.… READ MORE

Having influence can change lives. An influential leader can walk into a room and empower others. They have faith in what they say and know their mission.
But influencing others can be intimidating. You need people to take action and change the way they think.… READ MORE

There’s a secret to elevate the quality of your life every day even on the days when it seems like nothing is going the right way for you.
The secret? Choosing to approach life with a positive attitude.
It’s easier said than done, but after listening to this episode, you’ll see that you can use this simple secret to create positive outcomes in every single circumstance.… READ MORE

Consistency is a behavior that can enhance your life in every way.
When you apply consistency for a sustained period, every single day, It makes you focus and aware of what you have to do to get to where you want to be.… READ MORE

Traditions offer a sense of comfort and coziness.
Tradition connects us to our history and lineage through family reunions, weddings and special occasions.
It is really the glue that keeps us together.… READ MORE

It’s easy to get upset at others when they’re ignorant, annoying or insulting. But when you get upset, you’ll only feel more disconnected.
The best way to repair your relationships and connect with others is through compassion.… READ MORE

Today’s world has embraced a superficial culture. We pick entertainment, style and impression over actual things of substance and impact.
It’s more profitable to look good rather than be good in this culture.… READ MORE

Common sense isn’t so common in today’s society.
We live in an era where we value entertainment over learning, and impression over impact. And a lack of common sense causes this shallow and superficial culture.… READ MORE

When everything goes wrong in life, it’s easy to throw in the towel. The obstacles seem too great and it feels like everyone is against you.
But every successful person has ups and downs. The difference is whether you use your problems to prosper (or tear you down).… READ MORE

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