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Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction

The Best Way To Use Money!

Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction         Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction        
The Best Way To Use Money!           The Best Way To Use Money!          
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    It’s no mistake you were drawn to entrepreneurship.

    Entrepreneurs want money and freedom – which is tough to get working for a boss. Owning the business is the surest way to financial and time freedom.

    But if your parents didn’t have their own business, you are probably making a fatal money mistake that could send you crawling back to your 9-5.

    Unless you fix it now.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how developing a healthy relationship with money helps you crack 6 figures, and gives you freedom to be whoever you want.

    Listen now

    Show highlights include:

    • The counterintuitive reason “saving” money forces you into poverty (1:03)
    • Why treating money like a sledgehammer is the best way to break 6-figures (1:20)
    • How to get expert-level profits (even if you have beginner-level skills) (1:38)
    • One investment that helps you avoid 10,000 hours of labor (and retire 5 years sooner) (2:21)

    If you want to know how to get 50-100 leads for your coaching business every single day, head over to https://getdailyclients.com to grab our free Paid Ad Playbook, as well as some other great bonuses.

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