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Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction

My 7 Ingredients For A Competition-Proof Business

Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction         Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction        
My 7 Ingredients For A Competition-Proof Business           My 7 Ingredients For A Competition-Proof Business          
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    The wave of online entrepreneurs can sometimes feel like your business is floating quietly and unsuccessfully in a lead-less sea. But getting a consistent stream of dream clients shouldn’t depend on how many competitors are in the water (nor should you have to stress about that all the time).

    In this episode, you’ll discover how the best entrepreneurs navigate through the busiest marketing worlds to thrive and survive (even when everyone else is copying them). 

    Show highlights include:

    • How Uber and Waze apps instantly magnetize their clients in the world of networking (and why you should take notes). (1:21)

    • Using the ‘Secret Sauce’ formula to give your client’s complex problems the most seamless results. (3:20)

    • What one restaurant’s dining experience can tell you about attracting lifelong clients. (4:32)

    • Why being all over the Internet scares your competitors straight and attracts all of the clients you want right now. (5:25)

    If you want to know how to get 50-100 leads for your coaching business every single day, head over to https://getdailyclients.com to grab our free Paid Ad Playbook, as well as some other great bonuses.

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