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Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction

The $106 Burger (And The Fries Are Extra)

Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction         Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction        
The $106 Burger (And The Fries Are Extra)           The $106 Burger (And The Fries Are Extra)          
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    Would anyone really pay $106 for a burger? Yes, they would! One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is pricing their services too low. This repels the clients you want to work with and attracts bargain shoppers that are more trouble than they’re worth.

    In this episode, I discuss why premium pricing is the secret to explosive business growth and how to get over the fear of raising your prices.

    Highlights from this episode include:

    • The “Price Elasticity” lesson you can take from the $106a hamburger and apply to your business to explode profits (1:24)
    • How to use “90/10 Pricing Strategy” to boost your bottom line by tomorrow (1:35)
    • Why entrepreneurs are scared to charge premium prices and how you can overcome this fear (2:57)

    If you want to know how to get 50-100 leads for your coaching business every single day, head over to getdailyclients.com to grab our free Paid Ad Playbook, as well as some other great bonuses. 

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