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Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction

How To Deal With Skeptical Prospects

Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction         Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction        
How To Deal With Skeptical Prospects           How To Deal With Skeptical Prospects          
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    Have you ever had the frustrating experience of coming across a perfect prospect who wants you to jump through hoops to convince them to buy?

    There’s nothing wrong with having questions, but how do you move them from suspicion to pulling out their wallet?

    In this episode, I give you 3 rock-solid ways to deal with skeptical prospects that will stop the time-wasting and make you more cash.

    Highlights from this episode include:

    • How to make a skeptical prospect open their wallet without you having to say a word (1:32)
    • A bulletproof method for proving your offer will work for a skeptical prospect (2:32)
    • How to respond to a prospect who wants to “do more research” (3:20)
    • Why you can never convince skeptics and how to get them to change their own mind(1:33)

    If you want to know how to get 50-100 leads for your coaching business every single day, head over to getdailyclients.com to grab our free Paid Ad Playbook, as well as some other great bonuses.

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