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Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction

How Taurea Was Able To Eliminate The 24/7 Hustle & Grind In Her Business & Turn $625 In Ad Spend Into $32,000

Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction         Marquel Russell | The School Of Client Attraction        
How Taurea Was Able To Eliminate The 24/7 Hustle & Grind In Her Business & Turn $625 In Ad Spend Into $32,000           How Taurea Was Able To Eliminate The 24/7 Hustle & Grind In Her Business & Turn $625 In Ad Spend Into $32,000          
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    Many entrepreneurs think the only way to succeed in business is to hustle and grind 24/7. However, instead of being rich and relaxed, they find themselves broke and beaten down.

    The key is to spend more time working on the most profitable areas of your business. Don’t know how to find them? The right coach can help you figure it out.

    In this episode, Marquel and author Taurea discuss how to work less and make more, maximize the value you get from your coach, and automate your way to life-changing business.

    Highlights from this episode include:

    • How writing a book can open doors that were previously closed to you (2:20)
    • Why being a “try-preneur “ is a sure path to failure (4:04)
    • The surprising reason working less makes leads to more cash in your pocket (7:10)
    • Why MLMs get marketing completely wrong (10:01)
    • A counterintuitive personality trait that leads to next-level business success (11:09)
    • The simple, two-step success formula for squeezing every bit of value from your coach (12:53)
    • How to move from the 24/7 hustle and grind to the place where you can work when and how you want (17:54)
    • The odd way a lower ad spend can generate massive returns (18:31)
    • How to fine-tune your marketing so that it does all the selling for you (21:15)
    • The #1 marketing mistake that sends clients running for the hills (26:40)

    If you want to know how to get 50-100 leads for your coaching business every single day, head over to getdailyclients.com to grab our free Paid Ad Playbook, as well as some other great bonuses.

    Read Full Transcript

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