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Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast

#7 - Tell The Truth

Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast         Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast        
#7 - Tell The Truth           #7 - Tell The Truth          
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    Most people can’t go 10 minutes without telling a lie. These lies are usually harmless, but they start to crush your soul. 

    The more you lie, the more your soul shatters. The worse you sleep at night. And lying can even cause life-threatening health problems. 


    Lying sets you up for failure in business (even if you make a lot of money). That’s why telling the truth gives you an unfair advantage — in both life and business. 

    Tell the truth and watch how your business grows and every aspect of your life improves. 

    In this episode, I’m revealing why telling the truth is the single best way to build a life you love. Listen to the episode now. 

    Show highlights include:

    • Why 60% of people tell at least one lie in a 10 minute conversation (and how telling the truth puts your life on “easy mode”) (1:22) 
    • The weird way telling little “white lies” increases your blood pressure, spikes your heart rate, and can even lead to a stroke (2:13) 
    • Why telling the truth is uncomfortable, but the single greatest way to grow your business (7:23) 
    • How one little lie can crumble your marriage forever (13:02) 
    • Why always telling the truth is the best “sleep pill” you can take (even if you don't have as much moolah as you’d like) (14:39) 
    • How telling the truth gives you more free time than you know what to do with (20:15) 

    You’re only as strong as your circle. Want to surround yourself with other patriot entrepreneurs like yourself? Then join my Inner Circle at https://www.mikesinnercircle.com/.

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