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Mark Evans | Making Of A DM

EP 72: Does Curiosity Kill The Cat?

Mark Evans | Making Of A DM         Mark Evans | Making Of A DM        
EP 72: Does Curiosity Kill The Cat?           EP 72: Does Curiosity Kill The Cat?          
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    Curiosity is one of the biggest wealth-generators you have access to. Because curiosity unlocks an endless amount of business opportunities.  But only if you harness it.

    How do you harness your curiosity?

    It starts with thought-auditing. Thought audit every time you get a new client, lose a client, get a new employee, or one of your hardest working team members quit.

    The more curiosity you have, the easier it is to serve your clients and team members better. And make a boatload of money in the process.

    In this episode, I’m sharing how thought auditing everything makes it impossible for you to fail.

    Show highlights include: 

    • The “cut off the cancer” method for firing bad clients, partners, or team members before they screw you over (13:18)
    • The subtle “VIP” mindset tweak that lets you fly first class by the end of this year (14:14)
    • Why surrendering to your ego grows your business more than any marketing campaign could ever do (21:16)
    • The “RAG” trick that fires up your team members (without overwhelming them) (23:16)
    • Why trying to scare potential employees out of the job is the best way to find top talent (28:50)
    • The 2-second perspective shift that makes your life easier (especially if you’re always stressed to the max) (30:13)
    • How thought auditing transforms your most humiliating failures into epic victories (32:45)

    Did you enjoy this episode? Let me know by leaving a 5-star review. Then send me a DM on Instagram @MarkEvansDM letting me know you left a 5-star review and I might send you a pretty cool gift.

    If you want exclusive content and the first chance to grab my new book Magicians vs Mules when it releases, head over to https://markevansdm.com/ and sign up for updates.

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