“So the subtitle here is “What to Really Ask Yourself to Eliminate Blame, Complaining, and Procrastination.”” – Darin Persinger
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Numbers never Lie:
2.9% – $250,000 household income is substantial. It is five times the national average, and just 2.9 percent of couples earn that much or more. “For the average person in this country, a $250,000 household income is an unattainably high annual sum — they'll never see it,” says Roberton Williams, an analyst at the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C.
Main Topic:
Rich Habits 8: Think Rich
Book excerpt: Successful people control their thoughts and emotions. Bad thoughts are replaced immediately by good thoughts. They understand that allowing a bad thought even a second of life will permit the bad thought to take root and change their behavior in a negative way.
Three tips:
1. Listen to think rich series http://MakinAgentsRich.com/17/
2. Get yourself a big hairy audacious goal
3. Find people to have discussions with on habits, routines, & money.
Show sponsor:
The Rich Habits book gives you the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. In it you’ll find out how the rich get so rich http://MakingAgentsRich.com/RichHabits
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. QBQ! The question behind the question: Practicing personal accountability in work and in life http://goo.gl/ZxbR5Y
2. How successful do you want to be? The Five Levels of Success
3. The 15 Secrets of Rich Real Estate Agents 15 Secrets
4. The power of meditation in your business Meditation
5. Rich Habits 1: Forming good daily habits RH1-Habits
6. Rich Habits 2: Setting Goals RH2-Goals
7. Rich Habits 3: Daily self improvement RH3-Improvement
8. Rich Habits 4: Being healthy RH4-Health
9. Rich Habits 5: Building better relationships RH5-Relationships
10. Rich Habits 6: Less is more RH6-Moderation
11. Rich Habits 7: Do Work RH7-DoWork