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Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast

EP 68: Great Brands

Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast         Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast        
EP 68: Great Brands           EP 68: Great Brands          
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    A brand is an intangible marketing or business concept that helps people identify a company, product, or individual. People often confuse brands with things like logos, slogans, or other recognizable marks, which are marketing tools that help promote goods and services. We dive into what these intangible parts are and the impact they have.

    Show highlights include:

    • How building a brand increases the value of your business and makes it way more attractive to potential buyers (7:49) 
    • Apple’s secret for dominating their industry even during tough times (and how to mimic this in your business) (10:22) 
    • Become an expert at what you do and then you become passionate about broadcasting it (15:10)
    • The “Expert Secret” for never needing to sell someone again (15:34)
    • Interview prospects and choose the right people to work with so you can avoid high-maintenance clients who give you endless headaches (17:55) 
    • Failing is ok…it’s healthy (even if failing makes you want to give up) (24:38) 

    If you'd like to check out Ted’s magazine, you can find it here: https://www.buildmagazine.com/. And you can tune into his podcast, Friends of Build Magazine, here: https://www.buildmagazine.com/podcast/  

    To get the most out of this podcast, or connect with Duane and Dave, head over to https://buildernuggets.com and join our active community of like-minded builders and remodelers.

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