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Getting long-term advice and the principles behind it moves your business forward. But sometimes, you want a quick answer to a quick question. 

In this episode, you’ll hear rapid fire answers to marketing questions asked by financial advisors after listening to the show. 

Want quick, actionable advice you can use to get more clients today? Listen now!

Show highlights include: 

  • Why being overwhelmed by work is a horrible reason to hire an assistant (7:16)
  • How scarcity can supercharge your marketing results (even if you change nothing about your services) (11:12)
  • The simplest way to go turn a vague dream to a specific action plan that lets you reach your goals (16:15)
  • Why talking about money and investments in your emails gets compliance on your back (22:45)

If you’re looking for a way to set more appointments with qualified prospects, sign up for James’ brand new webinar about how financial advisors can get more clients with email marketing. 

Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/webinar to register today. 

Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

Discover how to get even better at marketing yourself with these resources:

[Include 3 of the following links in the show notes – it doesn’t matter which]




Read Full Transcript

You're listening to Financial Advisor Marketing, the best show on the planet for financial advisers who want to get more clients without all the stress. You're about to get the real scoop on everything from lead generation to closing the deal. James is the founder of TheAdvisorCoach.com, where you can find an entire suite of products designed to help financial advisers grow their businesses more rapidly than ever before. Now, here is your host, James Pollard. [00:31.7]

James: This week, I want to do something different. It's been a long time since I've done a question-and-answer type podcast episode. So, I want to do it this week. And to be clear, the only people who are entitled to a response from me are my inner circle members, inner circle newsletter subscribers. They subscribe to the monthly paper and a newsletter and one of the perks of being a subscriber is getting a secret email subject line that you can use to get my attention and get a response from me almost always in 24 hours or less. If you're an inner circle member, you know, I probably, I get back to you sometimes I get an hour, maybe a couple of minutes, two hours, but I get back to you within 24 hours. [01:08.0]

And I get a bunch of questions, both from inner circle members who are entitled to a response in non-inner circle members who are not entitled to a response. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is. I have to have a cutoff somewhere. I have to manage my time. I have to prioritize my day. If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry, but that's what I do. And let's say that I only get five non-inner circle member questions a day, sometimes I get five, sometimes I get 10. Sometimes I get zero, if it's a holiday, like if it's Christmas or Memorial Day or something. But if it's five on average, every single day, that's 150 questions a month. I have a virtual assistant who saves these questions and puts them into a separate email folder for me to go through. And I'll look at them every once in a while, in order to get content ideas or to see what, to really put my finger on the pulse of what people are thinking, what problems are coming up, what challenges are coming up with them. And I've noticed that these questions are really piling up. There are a lot of questions in there. So, I will try my best to get through as many as I can in a single 30-minute episode. If it sounds like the audio has been chopped up, or if it sounds like I'm unnaturally starting and stopping it's because I probably am. I will probably answer the question, pause the recording, get another question and then hit record again, so, if it sounds funny, that's why. [02:25.0]

As always, I will shorten or summarize the questions for brevity because sometimes people like to write their entire life story when answering or asking a question, they want to include war and peace with their question. And they want to challenge me to find their question inside 10 different paragraphs. But other than that, these are real questions from real advisors. Let's get started. [02:47.6]

How do I get more bandwidth to create content for social media? Well, when it comes to creating bandwidth and you want to change your diet, get better sleep. This is very boring that nobody really wants to acknowledge. Take a walk, walk around the block, stop watching four or five hours of Netflix every single night, get off your butt, take a walk, take supplements. It's weird to me to see how many people aren't taking supplements. And I'm not saying that there's a magic pill that will instantly change everything in your life, but you can supplement for deficiencies. If you know that you've got brain fog every single day and you're eating vegetables and you're healthy and you're drinking a lot of water and you're walking and you still have the brain fog, then sure, take a supplement for your brain. This is not rocket science. If you are eating cheeseburgers every single day and drinking Coke, then yeah, that's probably why you have brain fog. But assuming that you're eating healthy and you still don't have the bandwidth look into supplementation, look for different supplements that you can take to eliminate that brain fog, to get you more productive. If there are any programs or courses, I don't really have any recommendations in it. I don't want to venture too far with this question, but creating bandwidth is essentially creating energy. And if you can create the energy or you can prioritize better, then you can have the bandwidth. And maybe you'll find out that you don't need content for social media, maybe it's completely unnecessary. I don't want to make the assumption that you even need content for social media. Maybe you don't, maybe you can hire it out. I'm not sure. [04:20.6]

Next question. How can I find qualified leads who are coachable and teachable? People who want to educate themselves and execute. That is a really hard question. Anyone who says they have a definitive answer to that question is a bold-faced liar. Quite frankly, I am not sure. And if I had the answer to that, I will be a deca, millionaire many, many, many times over because I would basically productize that and put it into the hands of financial advisors and charge a pretty penny, obviously less than what they're getting in return, but that's just what I would do. I am not sure because a lot of the people who want to educate themselves and execute, they're already doing it. These are the do it yourselfers. Yes, there is a segment of the do-it-yourself population that wants a helping hand, I understand that. Many of them are reluctant to subject themselves to an asset management fee. They want a particular model, a particular business model of financial advisor. So quite frankly, I am just not sure. [05:15.6]

I will tell you that Gary Halbert, legendary marketer, arguably the best copywriter ever said that sometimes prospective clients are like porcupines and heat. So, porcupines are only in heat for like 8 to 12 hours every single year. So you have to act fast and you want to be in multiple places at the same time. This is where I talk about multiple marketing strategies is just scratching the surface of why it's so important. You want to be in their inbox, be on the social media. You want to be in their real mailbox. You want to be in front of these people and you want to make it a qualification to work with you. And the qualification should be that you are teachable, that you are coachable. If you are not coachable, if you're not teachable, then I'm not going to work with you. I'm not going to be your financial advisor. Don't be afraid to put that line in the sand. If it's something that you really want. [06:01.5]

For example, I did that when I was coaching financial advisors, one-on-one a few years ago, I would put in my marketing materials in the coaching application and whatnot, make sure you are teachable. Make sure that if I tell you to do something, you'll actually do it because otherwise it's going to be a lose, lose scenario. You're going to waste my time because this is time that I could have used for a financial advisor who would actually do something and make something out of him or herself. And it's a losing scenario for you because you're not going to get the results that you should have gotten and could have gotten had you taken my advice. So put that kind of vibe in your marketing. You use that to separate the wheat from the chaff. That's really what you have to do. Your, your question is how can I find qualified leads? Well, you have to qualify them. You have to have a qualification mechanism. [06:47.2]

Next question. What is the biggest mistake you see when people hire virtual assistants? So, I actually did get this question from an inner circle member. And I wanted to share the gist of my answer on this podcast, because it's such a relevant question. He asked me because one of the bonuses I gave newsletter subscribers was a video about how to use virtual assistants to systems that you should have in place, how to hire them and information about hiring virtual assistants. I'm hesitant to go out on a limb and proclaim a biggest mistake, but if I had to pick one, I would say, it's probably waiting until you feel overwhelmed because by then it's going to be too late. You'll be overwhelmed, which means you'll be scrambling and you won't have the mental space to focus the clarity, et cetera, to create the systems that virtual assistants need, to succeed. So do not wait until you're overwhelmed. People like to push the limits. They like to wait until the very last minute to get something done. There's an old saying that you should hire before you need someone and transparently, I'm just being open with you here. I have not taken that advice in my own life. I have not hired people super early, but I have always hired before the point at which I felt overwhelmed. I have never felt burnt out when hiring someone, when looking at freelancers’ contractors, virtual assistants, you name it. I have never felt overwhelmed is the best word I can use to really describe it. I've never felt like things were about to fall apart. If I didn't bring someone in on the team, if I didn't outsource a particular task, if I didn't delegate stuff off my plate, I didn't feel like things would be in shambles. [08:20.8]

I felt like I was balancing a lot of different things. Like I was holding these spinning plates in the air, but I felt like I was doing a good job of it. And I felt like I could keep those plates spinning for a couple months longer, perhaps another year. But I knew that there would be a point at which I would just run out of steam and those plates would come crashing down. And I wanted to have a team member in place, to where I could just hand everything off, but I never ever waited till the last minute. So, I hope that makes sense. I hope that's a, an answer that helps someone out there. [08:50.9]

Next question is how, how do I go from being a generalist, a niche focused financial advisor. I've covered this many, many, many, many, many times in the podcast and my daily emails. If you haven't subscribed to the email list, go to TheAdvisorCoach.com/57, the number five and the number seven that's 57, for 57 Marketing tips is the opt in, it's the gift that you get when you sign up. Covered that many times, so read that. Also go to TheAdvisorCoach.com/niche. There's a product that I have at the Advisor Coach called Deep Dive into Niche Marketing, it has everything you need to embrace a niche. Get that don't play around is an investment in your future. Don't pussyfoot it. Just get the darn thing. [09:33.0]

What gifts do you recommend for clients who just had a baby? A bottle of wine out? You know what? I saw a financial adviser giveaway, a custom piggy bank. And I thought that was cool. Not necessarily branded, but one would the child's name. I I've also seen these piggy banks that have three different sections. So, one for spending, one for saving and one forgiving, something like that. Other people give away blankets, that's popular. Other people give away books about money like children's books. There was even a financial advisor who's written a book specifically for children. I wish I could remember the financial advisor's name, but it's like Milton, The Money pup or something. If you go to Amazon, just search Milton, the money pup, or like the money savvy, pup or something. That's a book, I saw a financial advisor put that out. I thought that was super-duper cool. [10:23.3]

Next, we have, how do I capitalize on changes in consumer behavior? I'm not so convinced that consumer behavior really changes that much. I know there are different trends in their different preferences and I'll get into that. But I'm in the marketing world. I'm in the business world as specifically advertising specifically getting people to take action. Marketing is the mixture of behavior and math. Human behavior doesn't really change. Psychology, doesn't change and math doesn't change. If people see a deadline timer, and obviously you can't really apply a deadline timer that often into financial services, but just hang with me for a minute. If you use a deadline timer that implies urgency, sometimes scarcity, those are just basic fundamental principles that influence human behavior. Scarcity, while I brought up scarcity, I want to stick on that for financial advisors. There's a limited amount of you to go around. There's a limited amount of your expertise, your time. If you can find a way to integrate something like that, scarcity into your marketing, you will get better results. And it's not necessarily because you're changing or adapting your business to consumer trends or consumer preferences. [11:36.2]

But it's because you're tapping into a deep, psychological force that has been with humans for thousands of years, that has not changed that you can, I don't want to say exploit for your gain, but that's kind of what it is. I wouldn't try to ride some non-existent wave. I would study the fundamentals, the stuff that does not change and build your tactics on top of that. Of course, you want to skate where the puck is going in terms of the technology and the preferences that people have. People don't want to come to your office on a horse on horseback or horse and buggy. This seems like a silly example, but that's what you want to think about when it comes to your technology and the way that you're approaching your clients and prospective clients. Something like zoom is a good example. People want to meet virtually now. They want to have zoom. They want to have these virtual meetings from the comfort of their own home. You want to have that as an option for your clients and prospective clients. You don't want to pigeonhole yourself into a place where you, unless you honestly truly want to be a virtual financial advisor and more power to you. There are a lot of people out there who are virtual financial advisors who are completely crushing it and rocking it and have nothing but respect for these people. But if you don't want to be a 100% virtual advisor, if you want to work from an office sometime, then give people the option to meet with you in the office. You want to adapt to your client's preferences. [13:00.6]

Y charts even did a study and I brought this up on a previous podcast episode. I don't remember the exact title, but they did a study where they found that clients want to communicate through email more than any other methods. So, knowing that you would be a fool, a complete fool, not to use email, you can stay on top of trends like that. And people say, oh, I don't want to communicate through Twitter. And you're putting all your eggs into Twitter basket. You are making a mistake because you are not capitalizing on the consumer preference. So, I wouldn't necessarily try to capitalize on changes in consumer behavior because behavior doesn't really change. But I would try to capitalize on the changes in the preferences of how they approach you, how they communicate and so on. [13:44.3]

Hey, financial advisors – if you’d like even more help building your business, I invite you to subscribe to James’ monthly paper-and-ink newsletter, The James Pollard Inner Circle.
When you join today, you’ll get more than one thousand dollars’ worth of bonuses, including exclusive interviews that aren’t available anywhere else.

Head on over to TheAdvisorCoach.com/coaching to learn more. [14:06.7]

How can I Siff through the endless amounts of marketing gurus, coaches, ideas, programs, processes, systems, et cetera, and determine the one that works best for me? Wooo that's a mouthful of a question, but this is an easy one. It is a simple answer. You should find out what you want. What is your goal then tailor that. Imagine that you are gaining a bunch of fitness gurus to reach out to you and fitness coaches and people who are trying to sell different fitness programs and systems and different diets. So, you've got beach body. You've got CrossFit, you've got the Atkins diet, you've got the Mediterranean diet, you've got power lifting. You've got Olympic style lifting. You've got bodybuilding, you've got marathon running. There are so many different forms of exercise and dieting that are all proven to get a person “healthier”, just different types of health. I suppose it really comes down to the end user to decide what he or she wants. [15:10.4]

If I want to put on a ton of muscle and I don't really care about my numbers, my squat numbers, my bench numbers, my deadlift numbers, that I'm going to go into a bodybuilding program. I'm not going to pursue a power lifting program because bodybuilding is better suited for my goals. If I want to gain weight, I am not going to go on a calorie counting diet where I'm in a deficit. I'm not going to go into a caloric deficit because that would not be for my goal. So, if a coach came up to me and the coach said, I specialize in helping people go through caloric deficits without feeling hungry, tired, or stressed. I'm like kudos to you, that's awesome. But your specialty doesn't align with my goal because my goal, I want to gain weight. I want to get bigger. I want to put some more mass on. So, I'm not going to hire that coach. [16:01.8]

So immediately, just by getting clear on my goals, I have eliminated a section of the coaching fitness market, the coaching, the gurus, all that I've eliminated them because they aren't gonna help me get to my goals. If as a financial advisor, you want to start from the biggest goal you have and then work down to specific techniques, specific tactics, specific strategies that you can use to accomplish those goals. Let's say you start with; I want to get more clients. Okay, cool. What are you currently doing that is getting more clients? Well, maybe you're getting some inbound leads from social media, but you're not closing them. “Closing them.” Well, if a coach comes up to you and says, I specialize in helping people close inbound leads, they've gotten from social media where now you have your answer. You have someone that can help you. [16:50.2]

For example, I have the email marketing system appointments on autopilot. That's not for a lot of financial advisors. Some financial advisors just do not want to go with the data. Even though they see that email marketing has an average return on investment of 4400%, 3800%, if you read certain studies, but still, it's up there. It's like, it's pretty significant. And even though clients and prospective clients have indicated that they want financial advisors to communicate with email more than anything else, if it just isn't in the cards for them and they just don't want to do it, then I am not the right person for them. And also, I would say that 99% of advisors don't really need coaching or mentoring. I know that my business is the Advisor Coach and yes, I did use to go do one-on-one coaching for financial advisors, that was like the main thing I offered, but because people just don't need it. You don't need a fricking coach. You don't need a mentor. You don't need someone to hold your hand through all this BS. You just need to get off your butt and do the work. And the reason I say 90% of people don't need the coach, it's because when you get to the top 1%, then you start to realize that there's a lot of stuff that is sold, not told you've got to buy your way into the game. [18:02.5]

And some people may not like that. If you're making like a hundred thousand dollars right now, and you're criticizing someone who is making a million dollars and you're like, oh, look at that millionaire. I'm just buying another program or buying another course or subscribing to another newsletter…ha ha… I'm smarter than him. Are you really? Are you really? Because he's making a million bucks and you're making a hundred thousand dollars, like really examine your life. I know that that may sound cocky. That may sound arrogant. But once you are at a level of income and a level of success like that, if you're in the million-dollar mark or the million-dollar level, maybe you're in the multimillion-dollar level, you start to realize there's, there's a lot of stuff you're not going to learn online. There's a lot of stuff you're not going to learn from an Amazon book or an audible book. You're just not going to learn these things because the people who are making several million dollars per year, aren't really putting that sort of information out there. And even if they are, it's so hard to find, I think I can count maybe on five fingers, the real books that are actually written by billionaires, multi-millionaires that actually for real get into the actual stuff that they really did because a lot of times when you read autobiographies of these billionaires and multimillionaires, they, I don't want to say embellish, but they certainly stretch the truth a little bit. They gloss over a lot of the things. [19:22.5]

There's a book called, How to Become a Billionaire by Martin Fredson that goes into the things that they leave out, like getting into the politics behind it, getting into the real strategies. Like a billionaire is not going to put into their autobiography, the different tax strategies that they legally used, of course, in order to accumulate their wealth, because that would be boring. The average person isn't going to pick up a billionaire's autobiography in order to read about different tax strategies and the intricacies of how the accumulated their fortune. They want to learn something sexy. They want to say, oh, I just built this company and I hired these employees and it was so hard, but I overcame. And it's just a feel-good story, right? They're not learning the itty bitty nitty gritty stuff like life insurance, like real estate, like diversification in business, like hiring the right way because it just doesn't sell books. It doesn't sell programs. I know that sounds counterintuitive that the person who is in the top 1% of human beings would actually need coaching more than anyone else. But it is true. [20:30.4]

Next question. Do you have any recommendations for WordPress developers? Not really, but I recommend learning the ins and outs of your website. So, you know how to make updates as needed. And so, you're not caught with your pants down. I have heard horror stories of things going wrong and financial advisors wishing they could have phone support or something with their web design company. And it turns out that they freak out. Something goes wrong on a Friday night and they freak out, freak out, freak out. Cause he can't get in touch with anyone. And two days go by and they're just pulling their hair out. And it turns out that it's an easy fix that they could have done themselves. Get that knowledge. Learn about your website. You're using a tool. You should learn how to use it. You don't have to know every single thing. You don't have to get into every single nook and cranny, but you should have a basic working knowledge of how to get stuff done. And to draw a parallel here, you don't need to know everything about taxes, but you should know enough to make sure your accountant is doing a good job to protect yourself from a fraudulent accountant. The same is true with websites and with a lot of marketing, you should know enough about how direct mail gets sent out in order to avoid being ripped off by a mailing house, if you decide to do direct mail, you should know enough about email marketing to make sure you're picking a good email marketing software. It's just, I don't want to say it's self-explanatory, but it pretty much is and it will save your butt. [21:51.4]

How do I archive my emails when using convert kit? I am not a lawyer and this is not compliance advice, but based on what I've been doing the best way is to email yourself so, you have a record. You also want to maintain a list in convert kit of who receives your emails. You can use, you do this manually, or you can have convert kit linked to your CRM or something where it's automatically updated for you. And while we're talking about emails and compliance, a lot of people freak out about compliance with email marketing. They, they think that when they see a program like mine, like the appointments on autopilot program, one of the first thoughts they may think is, oh, well, I can't do that because compliance won't let me. Compliance won't ever let me send these emails I want to send. A lot of times they won't let you send emails because you're talking about money. You're talking about talking about investments. You're talking about stocks; you're giving stock market commentary. You're looking at these templates that other people use that are different companies that talk about money. Well, I have news for you. If you're talking, talking about money and investments and whatnot in your email is you are doing it wrong. [22:50.7]

One of the reasons why my email system gets through compliance so well is because my emails don't necessarily recommend talking about money on investing. It blows people's minds when they find that out, but and I'm not saying that my system gets through compliance a 100% of the time. I'm not gonna, I make a statement because it's just not true because I'm sure that there would be a situation where someone, some nutcase well come back and say, oh, well my emails didn't get through blah, blah, blah. So, I'm not going to say that happens 100% of the time. But most of the time, it appears to me that these emails get through compliance with no trouble whatsoever, because I'm not talking about money, not talking about investments. I'm not making these promises. I'm not making specific recommendations. So, it just works. [23:35.0]

Next question. How can I create cold emails that don't sound salesy? Ask a question, use them as a conversation starter. I think more people would be better marketers, if they realize that the majority of marketing it's about filtering, it is about separating the interested people from the uninterested people. If you start looking at all the emails you have to send and all the calls, you have to make it you'll get overwhelmed. It's not like you're going to have a conversation with all of them. But if you look at a list of a hundred people that you're sending emails to, and you start doing the little math in your head, you say, oh, a hundred people in the list. It's just half of them emailed me back and say, yeah, I'm going to have a 30-minute call. Then that's a that's 25 hours my time. I can't really do that. Now you start freaking yourself out. You start psyching yourself out. You're not going to have a conversation with all these people. You are filtering them. So, you could ask a simple question like, Hey, I saw you on X. Maybe that's the thing. Maybe it's a website. Maybe it's a press release that they put out. I'm not sure. Hey, I saw you on X. I was wondering if you'd be interested in Y because Z, if so, let me know. That's it. It doesn't have to be complicated, just a short, cold email, because you're not trying to set the appointment right away. You're not trying to sell yourself your company or your services. You are not trying to marry someone you just met is what a lot of sales trainers will say. They'll say something goofy. Like you wouldn't just walk up to a random stranger and asked that stranger to marry you, right? But that's really what it is. You're not trying to get down to business in the first email. You're just filtering. [25:09.7]

Next up. Do you recommend using landing pages, lead magnets and funnels? It seems like a lot of work. Yes, I recommend it. That's kind of, sort of the best inbound marketing strategy you could possibly use. And it's actually meant to reduce the amount of work you have to do. So, if you find yourself doing more work after having your landing page, lead magnet and funnel set up, then you're doing it wrong. [25:33.7]

Next question. Should I send a welcome email to people who joined my email list? Yes, absolutely. A 100% It's critical. I'm not going to go into my specific strategy because I do charge money for that. If you're interested, go to TheAdvisorCoach.com/appointments to learn more. If you're not using a welcome email or if you're just trying to figure it out on your own, and you go through appointments on autopilot and you watched the section on the welcome email, it's gonna be rock your world. [25:59.0]

Next question. Which scheduler do you like better Calendly or Acuity? Personally, I like Acuity, but you can't go wrong with either. The most important thing is to make sure that whatever you choose can integrate with your current tech stack. Your website, your email, and your, there are some websites out there that look terrible with certain embedded schedulers. Maybe your, your website looks terrible with Calendly. Maybe your website looks terrible with Acuity. If it looks terrible with acuity, then you probably don't want to use Acuity. So, make sure that you map out all the areas where your calendar would appear, where you would use it and check to see if you still want to use it after knowing what it would look like and knowing if it would integrate or not. As an example, most of the email autoresponder services out there integrate pretty well with both Acuity and Calendly. But let me just say that Constant Contact does not integrate with Calendly. I know that it does, or at least it should, and you can create a zap for it, even if it doesn't, but if it didn't and it did indeed integrate with acuity, then you have your answer there. You want to choose the one that integrates with your tech stack. [27:09.4]

Another question, it looks like I'm getting close to the 30-minute mark. So, I'm going to try to do two more. What specifically about Think and Grow Rich changed your life? Man, I got to tell you, people have such a weird reaction to Think and Grow Rich. Some people say that Napoleon Hill was a con man. Maybe he was maybe he wasn't. I don't know. There's a lot of information going both ways, but keep in mind, I'm not taking Napoleon Hill's advice. I'm taking Henry Ford's advice, Thomas Edison's advice, Andrew Carnegie's advice. All three of those men that I just named, they have real documented books and or interviews. Even if the interviews aren't with Napoleon hill, where they echo similar sentiments to what is spelled out in Think and Grow Rich. Some people hate it, some people love it. There are so many testimonials from millionaires who credit that book to helping them make their millions. So, I can't argue with that. The founder of Chick-fil-A Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, the list just goes on and on and on. Some people say it's dry and boring. Well, I hate to break it to you, but if you can't even read a single book, it's going to be really hard for you to achieve success in life. So, thoughts and prayers, if that's you. [28:15.3]

Think and Grow Rich also takes multiple readings. If you read it once or twice, you will not absorb the full message. If you were criticizing, Think and Grow Rich, you're saying, oh, I just didn't get it. It seems so weird. I don't want to put this advice into action, and you've only read it one time. I'm sorry, but you didn't get it. You did not understand it. I've read it. I've listened to it several dozen times. And I still learn something new every single time. Jim Roan also recommended Think and Grow Rich in one of his speeches. And he said something like this. He said, if a millionaire told people that this book changed his life and helped him achieve his success, how many people would read it? Not many. And that is the sad truth. Most people would just, they will listen to Jim Roan say, here's the book that changed everything for me. Think and Grow Rich, read it, read it, read. And people was like, oh, well I don't have the time. Oh, really? I got to pick the kids up now, I got this meeting. This new movie came out on Netflix, I’d rather do that. And they just never get around to it. [29:20.7]

Last question, if I could only buy one thing from you, what should it be? Oh, okay. Good question to end on in this podcast where I try to sell something every single time, it's hard to give a blanket recommendation. Most people get the marketing plan first. Then they get something more specific, like deep dive into niche marketing or 37 sales tips. And then it's a mix from there. Back in 2016, 2017 or I think 2017, when I didn't have that many products, people would, would get the marketing plan, then 37 sales steps, and then they would get the ultimate guide. And the ultimate guide would be like an outbound marketing climber. And a lot of people don't want to do outbound marketing anymore. So, they don't get the ultimate guide, but they get the other stuff that is geared more towards inbound marketing, like How to get clients with LinkedIn. Obviously, my newsletter is the best thing I offer bar none, but it isn't for everyone. It is a commitment. Some people don't like commitment don't want to put in the work required for success. I get that. [30:19.9]

But if you are someone who is already winning in business and winning in life and you want to win more, the newsletter is probably the best thing for you. And you can check that out over at TheAdvisorCoach.com/coaching. If you want a tailored recommendation, go to TheAdvisorCoach.com/products, and take the five-question quiz on the top. You just give your answers and it will spit out a tailored recommendation specifically for you telling you what is best for you. [30:48.2]

So that is it for the questions. I had a lot of fun doing this. Keep them coming. If you have any more questions, send them to james@theadvisorcoach.com.If you're an inner circle member, obviously you will get a response back quickly because you know the secret subject line. If you're not an inner circle member, thank you for your contribution to my content idea bank. And I'll catch you next week. [31:08.1]

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