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Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!

Gender & Money - Mindset Matters w/Mattie Fuller

Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!         Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!        
Gender & Money - Mindset Matters w/Mattie Fuller           Gender & Money - Mindset Matters w/Mattie Fuller          
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    Show highlights include:

    • Why finding a “Man Coach” today makes your relationship with your significant other feel like you’re on cloud nine (2:54)
    • Why saying “Happy wife, happy life” takes away from your masculinity as a husband, a father, and a man (and what you can learn from it to turn your relationship around) (3:31)
    • The Bible talks about spouses sacrificing for the good of the relationship (just like Christ loves the church), so you show your spouse in the context of spirituality how to follow God (5:41)
    • Why men have become petrified of making decisions (and how to you eliminate fear to start making trustworthy decisions today) (9:53)
    • How Today's society's mixed messages of “Man Up” and “Toxic Masculinity” ostracizes men (and how what you have to do to reverse that) (11:26)
    • How a man identifies as a man actually roots them in today's society and culture (even though the corporate work space says otherwise) (15:23)

    Ready to stop doing what you hate? Go to https://RetireNowRetireWow.com and fill out the Game Changer form to secure your financial future.

    Get our 5 Year Countdown to Retirement Guide and make sure you’re on track to retire (no matter where you are in your career). Visit https://www.brightfg.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Countdown-to-Retirement-Guide_BrightTree-Financial-1.pdf

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