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Show highlights include:

Why watching waves crash clears your mind to pick winning investments (2:04)
How hitting golf balls at the driving range focuses your thoughts to avoid buying Enron stock when it is tanking (2:52)
Why having a wealth team takes care of the people you love (7:00)
How sleeping 8 hours a night unlocks your financial freedom (9:05)

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Show highlights include:

How rappers became millionaires overnight by branding themselves (even if they didn’t know a single person in the record business) (1:40)
Why owning a business or real estate accelerates your wealth accumulation (2:29)
How having a house forces you to be responsible with your money (4:31)
Why being a pioneer with your craft, prowess, or expertise leads you to financial freedom (7:23)

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Show highlights include:

Why walking away from negative people boosts your investments (3:45)
How trying to be right all of the time blinds you from picking the most profitable stocks (3:58)
Why golfing on Fridays increases your bank account (9:33)
How putting off your winter vacation destroys your financial plan (10:46)

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Show highlights include:

The counterintuitive reason following “safe money strategies” strips away your financial freedom (3:30) 
Why having “guaranteed money” doesn’t prevent you from going broke in retirement (10:33) 
How ultra-wealthy take advantage of market crashes to become wealthier (and how you can use this strategy even if you’re not stinkin’, filthy rich) (12:07) 
Why paying off your house can steal money from your heirs to pay the IRS instead (and how your estate plan ensures the IRS gets as little as possible) (15:53) 
How “wasting” $375 to set up a diagnostic machine to your financial plan can unlock true financial freedom (22:19) 

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Show highlights include:

Why taking a multivitamin health supplement is a solid investment (2:10)
How attaching a terminal-illness rider to your life insurance policy keeps you from becoming poor when you get sick (9:32)
Why using the equity in your home to pay for medical expenses ruins your financial future (12:23)
How your kid’s college fund derails your long-term wealth plan if you get critically ill (12:56)

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Show highlights include:

The “Wealth Creation Participation” model that increases your personal wealth (3:59)
Why having a savings account devastates your financial portfolio (5:34)
Why life insurance pays better dividends than your stock portfolio (6:16)
Why studying the stock market ruins your individual stock holdings (7:29)
The “Stock Market Conspiracy Theory” that prevents you from earning long-term wealth (8:12)

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Show highlights include:

The “Fiduciary Approach” that puts your “financial planning pyramid” into motion (5:05)
Why watching CNN destroys your financial portfolio (8:58)
How taking advice from your mom ruins your bank account (9:18)
How navigating through a market crash grows your personal wealth (11:29)
Why a low volatility, dividend growth portfolio outperforms Microsoft stock (13:09)

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Show highlights include:

Why winning at anything takes years of practice (and how you get your championship at life) (0:47)
How watching “The Flash” drains your bank account (2:12)
The weird way journaling transforms your relationship with money and wealth-building (3:21)
Why ordering steak and lobster on date night lets you grow your portfolio (5:58)
The “Thought Audit” method that fills your mind with positivity (8:27)

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Show highlights include:

How starting an accountability program attracts money to you (10:42)
The “Lifestyle Level” way that increases your ability to manage more money (11:22)
Why having a positive mindset about money increases your personal wealth (14:09)
How programming your mind like a computer operating system compounds your portfolio (14:48)
The “Mind, Spirit, and Body Plan” that grows your spiritual and physical bank accounts (15:26)

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Show highlights include:

How skipping college conquers “the system” (10:16)
Why becoming a life-long learner lets you bypass becoming part of “the system” (11:45)
How dreaming big forces you to avoid being told what to do (13:07)
The “Brain, Skill, Drive, and Talent” way that triumphs over “the system” (15:19)
The “Goal, Plan, and Team” process that runs circles around “the system” (16:25)

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