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Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working

How to be Phenomenol with Matt Garabedian pt2

Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working         Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working        
How to be Phenomenol with Matt Garabedian pt2           How to be Phenomenol with Matt Garabedian pt2          
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    If you were listening to the last episode, you’ll have heard part one of our interview with Matt Garabedian.

    I know, I know…we left you hanging.

    Gosh, I’m such a tease.

    But we’re back and we’re ready to rock and roll!

    So let’s jump back into part two of our interview with Matt where he talks about ‘closing deals,’ adding more purpose to your life, the power of imperfect action, and how to elevate your game.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • A valuable life-lesson on ‘closing deals’ that’s got nothing to do with Real Estate (1:40)
    • Focus & Determination: Matt’s journey to getting in the best shape of his life, both physically and mentally (5:00)
    • How to design a business that adds purpose to your life (6:00)
    • Your most valuable business move and how to propel explosive business growth (8:45)
    • Why being a perfectionist could be killing you (14:00)
    • Brain hacks to optimize your mental focus (15:30)
    • Elevating your game and getting around the right people (19:15)

    Be sure to check out more of Matt’s work below:

    Matt’s Instagram Page

    Matt’s Youtube Channel

    Matt’s Podcast – The Phenom Investor Blueprint

    How would you like to spend more time with your family and less time in your business? Go grab yourself a copy of my Digital Daddy’s Toolkit where you’ll get my top 3 speed-influence tools to make you a trusted expert in any market. FAST. Go to www.daddysworking.com/ddt

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