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Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working

The Law of Reciprocity is B.S.

Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working         Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working        
The Law of Reciprocity is B.S.           The Law of Reciprocity is B.S.          
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    If you’re a fan of ‘The Secret’ – and you’re perfectly content wishing your life away – this one’s not going to be for you. Run away.

    But for the rest of you…

    This episode is all about why you’ve been sold a big fat LIE. And why the law of reciprocity is a bunch of malarkey. People think we should all be treated equally. That we should all be treated fair. I call B.S.

    Check this out – the truth is that you reap what you sow. And if you’re not sowing, then you shouldn’t be reaping. That’s the way it should be.

    Some of us make bigger impacts, bigger contributions, and as a result, make more money because of it. So if you’re part of the ‘not fair’ police, this one isn’t for you.

    But if you’re still with us, today, we’re dropping knowledge bombs as to why ‘free’ is the new expensive, and why it’s a cardinal SIN to give and expect something in return.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • It’s Not Fair! But what is fairness? (2:35)
    • The Freebie Philosophy: Why giving away your best stuff is wrong and stupid (3:15)
    • How to make customers earn YOUR value (3:40)
    • How lowering your expectations makes you happier (8:20)
    • A critical business lesson from A Red Hot Chili Pepper Riff (11:00)
    • Is ‘free’ the new expensive? (13:00)
    • The ‘look, can’t touch’ strategy for providing the highest level of value for your prospects (18:15)
    • The difference between providing value and demonstrating value, and how most people have them out of sequence (22:20)

    How would you like to spend more time with your family and less time in your business? Go grab yourself a copy of my Digital Daddy’s Toolkit where you’ll get my top 3 speed-influence tools to make you a trusted expert in any market. FAST. Go to www.daddysworking.com/ddt

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