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Dan Barrett | REI Marketing Nerds

Episode #148 - 30 Flips A Year Using Paid Traffic with Chris Music

Dan Barrett | REI Marketing Nerds         Dan Barrett | REI Marketing Nerds        
Episode #148 - 30 Flips A Year Using Paid Traffic with Chris Music           Episode #148 - 30 Flips A Year Using Paid Traffic with Chris Music          
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    Many real estate investors never flip more than 30 houses a year. But today’s guest, Chris Music, accomplished that goal. 

    Chris’s secret? 

    He swapped out direct mail campaigns with online marketing. Not only does he get a better return, but he’s able to work less while flipping 30 houses a year — in California of all places. 

    In this episode, Chris reveals why online marketing is superior to offline marketing and how it’s helped grow his business consistently over the past couple of years. 

    Ready to discover why online marketing is your key to growth and success? Listen to the episode now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The “Supply Force Depreciation” secret for why home prices continued to rise throughout 2021 against experts’ advice that they would drop (3:31) 
    • Why real estate investing is one of the safest industries in the world (even as the world turns upside down) (4:38) 
    • The weird “Mental Zone” the real estate industry is entering (and why you shouldn’t worry that price inflation is slowing down) (7:15) 
    • How to be a successful real estate investor in California (even as there’s a mass exodus of people leaving) (8:49) 
    • The “Looking For You” reason why Google Ads beast direct mail campaigns 9 times out of 10 (13:16) 
    • Why redesigning your website might be the most profitable marketing investment you make all year (15:22) 

    If you’d like to get in touch with Chris Music and sell your house, you can find his website at https://www.psbuyshouses.com/

    Need help with your online marketing? Jump on a FREE strategy session with our team. We'll dive deep into your market and help you build a custom strategy for finding motivated seller leads online. Schedule for free here: http://adwordsnerds.com/strategy 

    To get the latest updates directly from Dan and discuss business with other real estate investors, join the REI marketing nerds Facebook group here: http://adwordsnerds.com/group

    Want to find motivated seller leads online but don’t know where to start? Download the free Motivated Seller Keyword Report today at https://adwordsnerds.com/keywords.

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