Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

  • Why being a parent is harder than being a CEO (and how humility makes both jobs easier) (4:06) 
  • How figuring out your children’s “love bank” helps you avoid having agonizing regrets as they grow up (5:55) 
  • The insidious way many parents use travel as a way to relax from parenting (11:16) 
  • How to guide your children towards their full potential (without being overbearing or too critical) (13:43) 
  • The weird way being desperate helps you get closer to God (and how to ask for salvation before hitting rock bottom) (22:06) 
  • Why you have to fail more often if you waant success (and why this applies to your personal life as much as it does in business) (24:54) 
  • The wicked way watching porn haunts you for decades after and cripples you marriage (26:44) 

If you’d like to connect with Nathan Sheets and try his delicious honey, you can send him a text at (214) 642-9367 or send him an email at Nathan.Sheets@naturenates.com.

If you’re a Cincinnati business owner or leader and you want to grow over the next 12 months, I want to help you. I’m launching another cohort of Prioritized Leader Academy in October. If you’d like to learn more about the program, send me an email at cory@corymcarlson.com or give me a call at 720-301-8377.

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

If you're looking for a resource to help you with these times when your work is now in your home, check out my book Win At Home First on Amazon. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.

Read Full Transcript

Hello, this is Corey. Before we go into today's podcast, I want to share with you that we are going to run the confident, consistent leader challenge a again, we will launch it on November 1st. This will be the third time that we have ran it this year, because quite honestly, it's been successful. It is working and getting movement in people's lives. We ran it in the month of June, and then we ran with a different group of leaders in the month of September and people are having impact. One individual said he was thoroughly impressed with the content and structure and wouldn't change anything. Another leader said that the challenge has been fantastic and has been a true lifeline as they were shipwrecked on an island. So I don't know where you are coming at right now, what you're doing to end this year, but this challenge will help you in the year.

Well, and start off 2022 on strong footing. The challenge is in four different parts. First part is on perspective. What is your current reality? The second part is about potential. Where do you want to go at work at home? The third week will be about priorities, helping you prioritize what you actually want to go after. And then the fourth week is about a path forward is putting things in place to help you go. The challenge consists of daily emails, as well as videos to teach the content you watch on your own time, as well as live group coaching calls each week. So this challenge is working and maybe now is your time to sign up and participate. Go to Cory M carlson.com for slash leadership to take advantage of the early bird pricing before it goes up. We launched this next challenge on November 1st, look forward to seeing you in the program. Thank you.

Welcome to the win at home first podcast. I'm your host, Cory Carlson. This podcast is where we talk about how successful business leaders win, not only at work, but also at home. On this podcast, we will go behind the scenes with great leaders to hear stories of how they win. Thank you for listening and on to today's episode.

(02:13): Hello, this is Corey today's episodes. Nathan is a great one. It is one of the longest podcasts I've done a long time, if not ever. And really the reason why is during the conversation. I couldn't think of a time to stop it or start to wind it down because it was just so good. And then I really listened to the overall podcasting about what to have the editors take out. I couldn't think of anything then either because all was valuable. I think you will see that as well. Nathan is very open wise and vulnerable. He talks about some regrets. He has from a parenting standpoint that he wished he would have done better, that we can learn from. So we don't make some of those same mistakes. He made some mistakes, his marriage he's very open and transparent about that. Also can help all, all of us docs about the difference between a manager and a individual contributor and just a lot of different topics. Very, very helpful. I think you will get a lot out of it and on to today's episode.

(03:15): Hello, this is Corey Carlson. You're listening to the win at home first podcast today, I'm joined by Nathan sheets, who is CEO owner of nature. Nate's honey, a household brand that many of you have probably heard of. And he's just a very family oriented man, a very faith forward man, from the standpoint of nature, Nate's Jesus and God are on the website. He also was one of the instrumental people in, I am second, which will end up talking about some I'm sure on this podcast. So just an incredible faith for leader and one invite them on the podcast to help all of us win at work and went home. So Nathan, thank you for joining the podcast today. Thanks for having me, Corey. It's awesome. Looking forward to it, Nathan, what is that key trait to when at both home and,

(04:05): Oh man, I would just say humility, especially even more at home than at work where a, as we all know, parenting can be the most humbling job in the world. And I think it's, it's funny. I was telling someone the other day one of the, I think one of the hard things about CEOs and owners and things like that to be effective at home is at work. We get to operate in our sweet spots, you know, and, and I get to work on my strengths, but when I come home, I'm working in my weaknesses most of the time and I don't have the ability to do what I do at work. And that surround myself with people that are really good at doing the things I'm not going to doing. And so at home, you know, it's all, all hands on deck, you have to do everything. And so trying to find that balance is important. And that's why it's such a humbling exercise. What is home being in your weakness?

(04:58): Look like my wife and I, when we first got married, we had a pre-marriage counselor and Dennis said, y'all's biggest challenges. You're too much alike. You know? And I think that, you know, at the end of the day, she is very gregarious, outgoing, you know, and, but the way that, that plays out, if we're both big picture people at the end of the day, it's like, okay, who's doing the work. It's like family vacations. They don't get planned until like the week before we're supposed to go and you know, all those other areas. But I, you know, I am very grateful that she is far more intentional, far more disciplined with my add entrepreneurial personality and being a big picture person. I I'm great in burst, but in the marathon it's as for, I like start to get weighed down a little bit. So, you know, in parenting it's about intentionality, consistency, creating time, depending on what currency is in each individual, person's love bank or what's needed, makes you need to figure out how to make those deposits. And if, if you're not best at creating that currency, then it becomes a challenge. You know? And so for kids that like to do things I like to do hot fish and those other types of things, and it's really easy, but for the, you know, the ones that don't, it becomes more challenging. And so, you know, it's trying to be intentional and consistent is probably the areas where I struggle the most. You have four kids range from 14 to 21. Did you do a good job of dates and intention? I, with them,

(06:51): Man, that's one thing I regret, especially on my daughter that I, you know, I, I did it very sporadically and I wish I, you know, hindsight, she just turned 18 and she feels overlooked and it, you know, we're a very voice centric house. Those are some levels of regrets that I have. And then I have another awesome son who I've got two boys that love to hunt and fish. And, you know, they're like somewhat you know, little rough as of me and then two that arm. And the area that I'm not good at was investing into the other two, but I took my 20 year old son. We went to Paris last week. He really loves fashion and wants to go to fashion school. And he, you know, he was like, yeah, I looked up fashion school in Paris. I was like, all right, let's go. So we loaded up and went over and went and visited fashion schools and, and then did, you know, stuff. And I've taken him to both of the other, to New York on multiple trips and, you know, go to jazz clubs and go to Broadway and, you know, do things that they enjoy doing. It just makes me have to really put forth an effort to help figure, help me figure out what they like to do and then help fan those flames as they start to try to figure out even what they want to do in life,

(08:18): Come across as a man's intentionality. So even as you admit a, made some regrets, so thank you for that vulnerability that you won't stay there. I guess it's going to be a pivot now of all right. I've got an 18, 14 year old. I could have invest a little bit more time, but from here on out, it's going to look different.

(08:35): Yeah. I mean, I wish I could say it with confidence to say, yeah, you're right. Corey burn, the ships are burned, burned the life boats. There's no going back. You know, a dog goes back to his vomit, unfortunately, and it, you know, what I don't want to do is I think also, you know, I'm turning 50 I'll be 52 in November. And I really think kind of that age transition starts to make you very much more retrospective, you know, in, in life in terms of what's valuable and important. I think in, in your forties, I always say you're kind of in this weird, no man's land in your forties. You're not the young guy that other guys want to pour into, but you're not the wise Sage that people are looking for insight from. And so when I turned 50, I'm like, okay, these are the things that are really important.

(09:28): And so from that perspective, I think I just, I'm able to slow down a little bit, do find things that are going to last and invest into. And then I would just say from a professional perspective, I've got more time to be able to spend with them and AME, want to spend with them. And so I think COVID has been a stellar opportunity for those very things, you know, for 18 months, we've just been doing stuff together and and having fun and family games and just sitting around and talking and things like that. So it's been really beneficial for us.

(10:11): Yeah. There are definitely good things that came out of COVID for sure. You mentioned that verse out of a second, Peter two about a dog returns to his vomit, which obviously is a very gross verse, but yet we all can relate in another verse that is very similar to that is that idea of new wine into old wineskins where, when you pour the new wine in the old wine skin, it will expand and, and, and it X can expand. So it burst. And I see a lot of leaders where we'll come out of this, COVID in this time of family dinners and playing board games and all these awesome things we all did. And so what are you doing to make sure that obviously we can't play board games every night. We can't do these things overnight because we are getting back to work for sure. But what are you doing? So you don't that old wine skin or dog returned to his vomit. What are you looking to do in your family to make sure, Hey, there's some of these predictable patterns, there's some of these rhythms we're keeping, I mean, the Sheetz family is going to look different post COVID than did pre COVID.

(11:16): Yeah. I think I wanted my challenges I've had in times past, you know, for years and years and years, I traveled a lot, especially when the kids were younger and for me, I almost became addicted to travel. Because you do what you want when you want to eat where you want, you watch what you want, you go over, you know, it's just on your own timetable and then you come home and, you know, the kids are too loud in this and that. And you're like, well, I'll just get back on the road. And, and so, and this was actually pre COVID, I'd say about three years ago, four years ago, I just made the decision. I'm not going to do that anymore. And it took a while to kind of break it and find the value and not being annoyed by, you know, kids and them disrupting what I want to do, you know, quote unquote what I want to do.

(12:12): And so I think that was really beneficial. So that is the foundation. And then now you overlay the, you know, the things that we're going to make sure that we keep doing. I think, you know, going that next level beyond the travel is then, okay, so let's make memories as a family, you know, in terms of doing things, going places and really being intentional then to walk with my own kids and helping them be successful. And especially with them now starting to become adults, help them discover the Ephesians two 10, you know, the good works that God created in advance that they should walk in, you know, and, and help them understand the way in which God created them and fan those flames. And I was, you know, I've got, my kids had talk different times, especially my oldest about wanting to come and work at nature Nate's and, and he looks like me talks like me.

(13:09): You know, people look at him and go, man, that's, you know, 40 years ago, 30 years ago, but I've just told that, Hey, I want you to be in nature, Nate. And I want you to be nature, Hudson, you figure out what it is and I'll come help you be successful and serve you. And so, you know, whether it's Hudson or any of the others, that's what I want to do. And so those are the things that the non-negotiables of just being intentional about, you know, helping them become successful in whatever it is that God's created them.

(13:43): It's so good as a father, my kids are younger than yours. How were you helping to encourage w how God's wired them? How were you helping them kind of discover that. So they just don't go the way of the majority, the way of the masses.

(13:58): I mean, we've done some of the typical kind of personality test things, but I would say, you know, it really comes out of spending time with them and seeing it, and then, you know, pointing it out and it's super easy to be critical, oh, do this, or you shouldn't do this, or don't do that. It's another thing too, to be purposeful and trying to build them up and encourage them and, you know, pointing out the things that they're good at doing. And then maybe trying to connect that into what could that mean from a career standpoint, you know, in life and a friend of mine used to ask, you know, if you had unlimited time unlimited money and then divine guarantee for success, what would you do with your life? And I think that as a teenage kid, going into college, that's a pretty realistic way to look at life because you're not really tied down by anything at that time. And since God created you for good works, then, then you are going to be successful. Whatever it is, if you commit your ways to the Lord and he will direct your paths and recognize that everything you do, you're just a ministry guy and an, a businessman or businesswoman is clothing, and you're out there to make a difference for the kingdom.

(15:20): Good. It is. So while though it's easy to throw critique at our kids versus encouragement. Like it takes intentionality and focus. There there'll be times I go out to coffee or do a day with one of my kids and I'll have to bite my tongue. So I don't turn into coach mode and share all these things with them of all this great wisdom I've learned, but instead, just sit there and that's the best. That's when they actually come back and tell mom, they had such a good time with me. Usually if I'm coaching them, I don't get the, I had such a fun time having donuts with dad today. I'll get the I'm not one of your employees comments sometimes.

(16:00): Yup. Yup. It sounds like we're all the same. And it sounds like you were in my house. And in my quiet time this morning was saying the kids are too loud. I got in trouble this week. And from my wife saying that I was getting too strict on their being loud. And by the time I was asked for patience and grace for some of the volume, cause after a busy day, you're just your head. You're just, you need peace and quiet. Nathan, a part of my story is that there was a moment where I've kind of felt this audible or where God's saying you need a hand over your story for a greater story, this idea that my way wasn't working anymore. And I needed to hand it over to God and follow his lead. As I say that it was there a moment in your life where you felt that Nathan's way no longer was working and you needed to do something different in the way you're leading your family or your career

(16:53): That was in full-time ministry, vocationally, and, you know, doing, I am second. And, and you know, there's a F really felt like the Lord was prompting me to leave. I am second back in 2009 and go do something else, not knowing what that meant, but my response, you know, and that wasn't like an audible, you know, hearing from the Lord, but it was a definite prompting. But I think my emotional response was, well, God, how can you do that without me? I'm the, I am second guy, ultimately long story short, just wound up on me leaving full-time ministry just due to infidelity or revealing that to my wife and just all the challenges of working on my marriage and, and, and, and even my own walk with the Lord, you know, and figuring out what to do from a career standpoint. And by going God's grace, you know, we had this little tiny honey company that had come out of me buying a beehive as a hobby and right after petty and I got married in 96.

(18:05): So really just trying to figure out God, what do you want me to do for work? And how do I provide for my family and the honey company, couldn't do it by itself. And so Patty and I would sit on the front porch, many of those mornings and pray and read scripture and cry and talk. And he says, we're trying to figure out what to do for work. Then, you know, I told her that if we had another a hundred thousand dollars a year in revenue from nature Nate's or north L Sonny, that it could provide for our family. And so we just said, Hey, let's just pray and ask the Lord to give us another a hundred thousand dollars a year in income. And then we can do it full time. And so while we were having that conversation, you know, a friend of ours called us and she shared that, got to give her a vision that night that John, the Baptist said provided with locusts and honey.

(18:53): And she was gonna, he was going to provide for us with honey. And we were like, okay, thank you. And you know, and went back to reading Psalms 81. And in the last verses Psalm 21, I believe it says, and I will feed you with the finest of wheat and honey from this rock where like, okay, Lauren, our ears are listening. So about a week later, petty told me to go buy a Walmart down in Plano and see if they would take her hunting. I said, babe, I've tried the Walmart thing before, you know, she was sick over there. And so I went over and met a woman who told me about a local vendor program. Instead of I brought this local vendor form back in with the managers there, that if he signs a cheating, they can bring in that local Walmart. But she also gave me the buyers phone number and Bentonville.

(19:38): So I went home and started filling out all the paperwork. And about a week later, I get a call and she says, Hey, this is Janet Hanae from Walmart. You got to be in Walmart. And so long story short, you know, we wound up getting into Walmart and very first purchase order from Walmart was for $107,000. Exactly. So we were praying for a hundred thousand dollars in a year, which God did in one order with a number seven as an exclamation of what I think he was just saying, regardless of your own sinfulness and prayerfulness and everything else, I am faithful and I won't abandon you and I'm still walking with you, you know? And so it was like just a, an affirmation that what I did for work mattered to the Lord and that he in again, in spite of myself, was going to allow me to continue to be involved, you know, with his kingdom, since that time, a lot of investment of time and energy and counseling and and work.

(20:44): But it's been awesome, you know, to see how the Lord has, you know, really restored, you know, scripture says that the Lord restores what the look is destroyed. And so to watch him do that and to watch him bring our marriage and my relationship with my kids, who I had full disclosure with all of them, it, you know, which was really painful and itself and cause a lot of just challenges, but to look at relationally where we are today, I wish we could have gotten here some other way, but unfortunately I don't know if we could have, and that's what the Lord used to create who we are today. Thanks for sharing all of that. What happened October 30th, 2017,

(21:32): It was just a point of just final, final surrender. And I was getting ready for we've had the neighborhood Halloween party at our house and we bought our home in 2010 and at closing or which was in the end of October, the, are the people were buying it from and said, oh, by the way, the the annual Halloween parties at the house, you mind if we have it there next week, we're like, sure. So it's been our house for almost 30 years. So it was mowing the lawn that night. And I had been drinking that day and it just contemplating kind of still where I was in life and just the challenges and then had not seen the transformation, which I had desired. And so I was listening to worship music, mow my lawn kind of in the dark. And I just finally stood up and, you know, put my hands up.

(22:29): And literally, I just said, God, you got to save me. And it wasn't salvifically, it was, you know, save me from the path of destruction that I know I'm headed down. If I continue to go down this road, it, you know I'm going to be, it's just gonna, it's gonna be bad for everybody. And, you know, so just out of that, calling out, crying out to Lord that he, you know, just in a short order period of time just brought Patty and I to this place brought me to a place and desperate desire for spiritual renewal and restoration and, and the desire to change and just not being okay with where I was. And so what's it look like since 2017?

(23:19): Well, I quit drinking, you know, which seemed to be at the source of a lot of my numbing, newness and boredom. And, you know, just so you know, that's one aspect spent a lot of time in counseling and therapy and understanding, and it's I say this without giving it any excuse, giving my actions or the decisions that I made any excuse, but recognizing, you know, sexual abuse at age five and 10 and, and exposure to pornography at that time and understanding the role that, that play, you know, and me being in this triggering loop of, of being plagued by pornography and sexual sins and Patty and I spending a tremendous amount of time, you know, full disclosure to where there was nothing hidden in my life from her, and then using that as the way to be able to build the wall back up, you know, and I think of DMin, Nehemiah went to him and said, you know, implore everybody to build the wall up in front of their house, you know, and that was the best way to keep their family safe and the greatest way for Nehemiah to get the whole wall complete.

(24:37): And so when I think about our family, it was really, you know, Patty and I recognize in law had to be leveled in order to be built back up, you know, to create a security and the foundation of which we wanted our family to be built upon. And, you know, the result of that is I've talked with my kids about my failures and also tell them, you know, that every failure is closer to success. And from a business standpoint I constantly say, if you're not failing enough, you're not trying enough new stuff. And every failure is one step closer to success and no one learns from success. They always learn from failure. And so, but now you go apply your personal life to that. And it's a painful analysis, you know, but I've used that, you know, to help walk with my kids and, and using myself as a real life example of, Hey, these are the things that you can't let go on, check in your life, and we're not going to just blush over things.

(25:41): We're going to deal with things and we're going to do the hard work, and we're going to talk about things we're going to live transparently and authentically, and then we're going to come alongside each other and holding each other's arms up to struggle through life. Well, and so in some sense, I just, I just weep and gnash my teeth looking at all the past, but I'm also being entrepreneurial and growth focused. I'm a very forward looking person. And so I'm going to use it and allow the Lord to use it, to make an impact for the kingdom. And I've been transparent about it in times past, you know, and, and so for the Lord to take it and do our Romans 8 28, and maybe even use it as a way to make a difference in other people's lives, they avoid it then from an eternal perspective, it's worth it.

(26:33): Thank you for sharing the story. I did not know all those pieces before it gets eternal. I mean, you, by coming clean of, of your affair, I'm you stopped generational sin, you know, and having these open conversation with your kids, that you have stopped it from the trickle effect that porn and other things can have on so many individuals that they don't even know about it being involved in just different conversations around campfires, it can get very deep or was involved in a men's men's ministry, where we go out to Montana, but all these different things that take place, it's amazing how much like porn can cause a problem too, when they saw when they were less than 10 and now they're 40 or 50 and it still haunts them. And I'm encouraging a lot of my friends and clients. If they have, you know, kids less than 10, who touched social media.

(27:28): Now it's time to have a conversation. A lot of people will have pushback of all way too early. I'm like, no, it's not. They it's amazing what YouTube will put in the, on the you know, side columns of ads. And, and so I we've had this conversation in my house, part of my story Nathan, where that all even came from your story handle for a greater story. Unfortunately for me, I also had infidelity and that was what was me kind of handing over my, my wrong ways for, for the greater good. But w we too, in our house of how these conversations, we've had these deep conversations of, you know, the introduction to my book is sharing of that story. So all three of my kids know it. They know what happened and not that I am like talking about it, but same thing for you.

(28:17): I think the benefit of telling our kids is some of our kids are wired just like us. So they're going to have the same weaknesses. My oldest Kylie is the Enneagram three. She's an achiever. She goes for people for approval. Well, if I wasn't to tell her of my affair and me going to people for approval and me going to other people to get my questions answered about who I am and am I a man, she could fall in that same trap. So if I can tell her to guard herself to understand that she is already approved, she's coming from a position of approval as a daughter of God, as opposed to having to go to others for approval. Hopefully I too have stopped a nother affair from ever happening in my family.

(29:01): That's awesome. Now scripture says that that's a Senator, the father passed along to the fourth and fifth generation. And as I've thought about that, you know, I, I don't know if there's a spiritual stronghold of, of adultery. There could be, or a spiritual strong hole of lust. And, but when I look at that, you know, the emotional holes that we all have in our heart is what we wind up trying to fill them with, fill in the blank. And so I think, you know, if you're exposed in a period of time where there's some trauma that happens in your life and you have this emotional need, then you fill it with food or you fill it with pornography, or you fill it with money or fill in the blank. And so as you are retraumatized throughout life, or re-triggered through some scenario or circumstance, and then you wind up turning towards that thing that, you know, the, I have a belief that the sins of the father in the past are less about what, how it plays out in our life and more about the emotional relational Gammage that I have from my father and my father has from his father.

(30:22): And it creates those emotional, you know, holes and needs and trauma that get filled. And so with your infidelity, with my infidelity, and then our intentionality of using it as a way to go talk about it and trying to look at those holes that even our own kids have. I Definitely agree with that.

(30:47): Thank you very much for listening to today's episode. I hope you're enjoying it so far before we go back to the rest of this episode. I want to share with you my book when at home first, some of you have read it. So thank you very much for others of you. You have not. And I encourage, if you're looking for a resource to help you with these times of your work is now in your home and your home is now in your work and what this looks like. This book is being helpful to many leaders like you, fours magazine said it was one of seven books. Everyone on your team should read in the book is broken up into four different sections to help you versus about you. Understand who you are. The second is marriage in ideas and tips to help with your marriage. Third is parenting and the last is work. So these four different sections to help you recalibrate during this time and to help move forward. So if you are needing additional resource, I encourage you to check out my book went home first. It is available on Amazon, as well as audible and so on to the rest of the episode. Thank you very much.

(31:54): One thing I thought was interesting going a little bit back to part of your story is the irony of, I am second where you worked, but yet having the phrase, you said, how can you do it without me, God, like, yes. Quite ironic, right? Yeah, it

(32:11): Is. But how in, you were doing ministry and the whole message was, I am second. You forgot the message. And I just going back to that, how have you now, as you are fast forward to now to nature, Nate's, it's your name? It's your brand. I know you've got an 80 employees or maybe more now, but you've got a team, but how do you, cause I know a lot of listeners, it's this, this tension between building a business, their own brand. And so now it's a lot of personal brand it's as something I can battle with now too, is building a coaching practice, be at knowing we are second and reality is God can do it without us, but he wants us. And so for you, Nathan, what does that look like in your life, from your vulnerability of the, I am second comment to now fast forward to nature. Nate's

(33:04): Well on, I think recognizing how temporary everything is and who truly owns it. I did, you know, I started to fall into the idea that I was the most important person, you know, inside of, I am second, which to your point, you know, it was completely distorted, you know, now, you know, in nature Nate's I think that I just, as as the leader, I try to maintain a inverted triangle, you know, to where I'm at the bottom and serving everyone else all the way up to the top and being authentic and transparent with who I am. You know, I've told you know, people on my leadership team know exactly where I have been and my struggles. And and, and so I just, I kind of wear it on my sleeve to just maintain that transparency and invite people to speak in. If they see inconsistencies in my life, what are you hearing from God right now, Nathan, at

(34:09): Church yesterday we had a, actually a Jewish messianic rabbi come in and talking about Sabbath and Shabbat. And he was just talking about how it's about, you know, when God created creation, he created time and space and you know, and so, and our own lives, the Sabbath is about keeping time in space, creating time and space for the purpose of relationship and for worshiping the Lord and a big portion of a Shabbat, which is the Friday evening meal leading into the Sabbath. A big portion of that is blessing everybody at the table. And so there's a blessing on the children. There's a blessing on the women. There's a blessing on the men. And so use that time to speak a blessing over your children and what an amazing difference that will be in their life. If they grow up with their parents, speaking blessings over them every single week.

(35:12): You know, if you did Shabbat, you know, as, as part of your family tradition. And so I think what I'm really wanting the Lord to do is to allow me to create more time and space. I think I have found value in the past and being busy. How are you? Oh man, I'm busy. You know, I think there's tremendous value and say, how are you, man? I'm great. Now I have a lot going on and know what can I do for you? And, and so that's what I'm really, you know, I'm not looking to slow down at all, but I'm looking to make investments and things that last, and that's, you know, first and foremost, my family and friends,

(35:54): Man, what would happen if we answered that question? What could I do for you? If someone asks, it's almost like a test, we should, we should both go do that and see what happens. See if we've got any stories, because that would be something wild, But you gotta be willing to do it.

(36:09): I'm like, I'll get back with you later. And you made the comment of blessing our kids. And heck we even blessed our spouse as a do a dinner like that. I mean, man, you talk about armoring up. I mean, as Paul talks about if your kids and in your spouse and you know, it would get reciprocated, you know, occasionally, but if the family individually and collectively was getting armored up to go out really in the world of what's happening with the different tensions that are out there, if we could help armor up our families to go out, man, that'd be pretty impressive,

(36:39): Steve, for our, you know, the guy who wrote point man, and you know, a lot of Christian books, he wrote this book that I read called king, me and Steve explained that the purpose of the king, wasn't a rule of the land. Yeah. You had to rule the land, but the purpose of the king was to raise the next king, you know? And so I think as business guys, I get caught up in ruling my kingdom versus focusing on the king. That's coming in behind me and I'm already fulfilling what I'm supposed to do, which is secondary and you know, far less important than making sure the next guy and the next guy has our children. You know, that they're, that they're queued up and ready to be the king. And again, I think it's part of being 50 now and just being a little bit more retrospective and recognizing how temporary everything is and you know, watching my own parents, my dad died about 12 years ago. My mom's in poor health and we have lots of friends whose parents are passing and things like that. And I'm starting to really see just the multi-generational need of influence. Especially when everything in the world is pulling those kids beyond us or below us, you know, pulling them away from the kingdom, everything in society and culture and pulling them away from God and de-valuing, you know, family and everything. And so it's so critical, you know, but I stopped focusing on trying to be the king and focus on trying to raise the game.

(38:14): I love that example. You have a book and you know, that's a faith-based book. I also like when there's a secular book that speaking some of the same things and that book founder's dilemma where the question is, do you want to be king? Or do you want to be rich? And obviously it's about money there. But the rich thing is if you're, you know, if you're king, you're making all the decisions, you're not delegate. You're not equipping. You're not empowering because it's all about you. But to get rich, which even though we aren't trying to drive the idea of financial capital, it's all about developing others and releasing control and helping grow with a team. And in the end, yeah, you may in fact get rich and in the end you will find that that replacement that number two.

(38:56): Yeah. Yeah. A friend of mine was sharing with me about it being the difference between being a manager and an individual contributor. And I think historically, and even in Lyme second day, that was a great individual contributor. You know, I thought of a smarter work, harder work longer. And, but I'm at this place now to where my greatest opportunity to be successful as a business owner is to serve the staff and the leadership team to help them be successful as a CEO. And as, as I am more successful as a CEO, serving them to be successful and accomplishing the corporate goals, then that is the greatest impact for me as the owner to gain, you know, the greatest wealth from my company. So, I mean, that's, I I'd see that playing out what you just shared, you know, even in our own business in life all the time.

(39:52): Yeah. We could do that at home and at work, always helping those below us are reporting to us to be successful in the end. We'll get what we selfish. You kind of want in the beginning and it's not a give to get, but it's just how it works out. Yeah. It goes back to humility and humbleness right now. If it's all about me, then I'm destined for a repeat of 2010 and 2017. Yeah. And we burn those life boats. So

(40:21): We burnt those ships. Not going back. I hear ya, Nathan. I enjoyed this tremendously and look forward to future conversations and staying in touch. Nathan, what's the best way for people to get ahold of you. And for sure, they've got to buy your honey nature. Nate's honey, You can text me my cell phone, (214) 642-9367 and emails get lost, but you can call, you can email me and Nathan dot sheets at nature. Nate's dot com.

(40:51): Awesome. Nathan, thank you very much. Thank you. I want to thank you for listening to my podcast. When at home first, I am so grateful to hear from listeners like you, that this content has been helpful. So now I would love for you to pay it forward. I want to get this message in the hands of more listeners. We need leaders to be winning both at home and at work, especially during this time. So please take a minute to share this episode with somebody you think would find value in it, as well as rate and subscribe as a thank you, please visit my website@coriumcarlson.com to download a free resource that people are finding value in. Thank you very much.

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