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In this episode, you’ll discover… 

  • Wisdom from the book of James that can save and transform your relationships immediately (3:23)
  • Why not focusing on getting things done can make you far more productive (7:02)
  • The “Bookend Method” you can use immediately for spending more time with God (17:57)
  • How mission trips make your family relationships stronger than they’ve ever been (20:52)
  • Why a “return to normal” could be the worst thing to happen for you and your family (24:19)
  • The surprising way seeing you struggle makes your children better (28:08)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the win at home first podcast. I'm your host, Corey Carlson. This podcast is where we talk about how successful business leaders win, not only at work, but also at home. On this podcast, we will go behind the scenes with great leaders to hear stories of how they win. Thank you for listening and on to today's episode.

Hello, this is Corey today's episode is a great one. I met Jared a year ago on a mission trip in Nicaragua, where he was living there with his family and leading this mission trip and initiative with our church. I was impressed with him just during that week and then to learn more about him in his story. So good today's episode. We talk about people over progress and how important it is. The importance of slowing down, talking about how you can do hard things and your family. Can we talk about that? God's the author of her story. So a great discussion along those lines, as it's taken Nicaragua, as well as brought him back to the United States right now, where he's living great episode, I hope you enjoy it. And yours encouraged and inspired as I was from it as well. Thank you very much.

(01:14): Hello. This is Corey Carlson. You're listening to the win at home First podcast. Today's guest is Jared Alexander and I met him in Nicaragua and he has got a, just a fun, fascinating story where he left corporate America to pursue this Amigos for Christ and work with the crossroads church for in Nicaragua. And we won a mission trip last year, met him. It was just incredible. And now he's back in the United States pursuing another career and another opportunity. And he's just been a man that just has continued to go after what God has for him. And so excited to have you on today, Jared, to learn more just about your story and share that with listeners and as a way of inspiration and helping others move and the things that you've done with your family to help them win a home first. And some of us struggled to do it domestically and you decide, Hey, we're going to go internationally and really test it.

(02:07): So I'm excited to have you on here, Jared. So thank you. Thank you. Thanks for the chance. You know, I was humbled when you asked and just happy to do anything I can to try and advance the kingdom. Oh, that's awesome. Well, just diving right in to it as you've seen in your own life and maybe even internationally, you got a different perspective, but as a whole, what is that key trait that you see a leader needs to win both at work and at home? You know, Corey, I think it's a great question. And in my experience, obviously I'm still a work in progress, like, like all of us, but, you know, I really think the most important thing I think a leader can do is to listen is to take time, to stop and listen. One of my favorite verses is from the book of James chapter one verse 19, and it says paraphrasing here, but, but Hey,

(03:00): Everybody, we need to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. And, and I just, I use that, you know, as often as I can, as often as I can remember, whether it's with leadership at home leadership at work, when I was with Amigos, or even before that in a corporate setting, you know, when you can put yourself in a position to just listen to somebody you're just you're miles ahead is what I've found. And you know, still work at progress, like I said, but, but you know, I think that to me, that's one of the most important traits a leader can, can really have.

(03:36): Yeah. That's, that's great. And I know you're good at it as well. From the standpoint in Nicaragua, you had a staff that you were leading, plus you had all of us visitors that were there for a week and we're asking a million questions. And I remember a conversation with you where you had all this kind of chaos going around its staff, and we've got projects, we're building bathrooms and so many moving pieces, but yet you stood there and talked to me and listened. And I, I felt, I felt known. I know that sounds weird, but even though we didn't know each other, I felt known just in our conversation. So you definitely have a gift of doing it. And so well done. That was really cool, but quite honestly, how do you do that? I mean, how have you found your ability to listen amongst the chaos? Cause I know a lot of leaders they can is they're sitting with an employee as a parent, sitting with a kid we're not really there mentally. We're all thinking about the to-do list, the cha the checklist, but I've seen you be able to be successful. I know you have your bad days, I get it. But what, what do you do?

(04:43): You know, I think it's, it's a, it's an exercise. It's a, it's a muscle that has to be used and worked over time because it's not easy to be present in every moment. And you know, I think the other thing that I've really found to be helpful is is that when I'm in those moments of listening and you know, you kind of always have like this inner dialogue maybe going on in your head, like, wow, you know, don't, don't forget. I got to check this off. My box later is to be able to somehow put those things aside and say, look, my time right now is not about what I need to be doing my time right now is dedicated to the person right in front of me. One of the things we used to talk about a lot at Amigos was this saying that we would say people over progress and it just becomes more and more evident.

(05:31): The more you do it, it's incredible to see the fruit of that later on, because progress will come, whether you're building a bathroom or you're working on your Excel spreadsheet or whatever, you know, whatever those things are, the progress will happen. But when you've got somebody in front of you, that that is trying to be present with you, if you can learn to be present with them and just put those other things aside, even if it's for five minutes, there's value in that. And, and it's, it's something like I said, it's something I've learned over time and it is, it's a, it's a muscle, it's something you've got to work on, but the fruit on the other side is just, it's amazing to see

(06:12): [Inaudible] people were progress was a significant phrase to me even before going to Nicaragua. I've always thought about relationship over results. They're very similar, but I'm very task driven in achievement. I know when I went to Nicaragua, sat down was like, all right, we're building a bathroom for a family. Like, go, go, go. And I had, I already was putting the achievement over anything else. And you guys kept reinforcing that and Hey, do some digging, but if they want to kick the soccer ball around, go do it with the family show love. And man, that was such a good reminder to continually get, because I even hearing that I still would want to get things done. Like go, go, go.

(06:54): You know, it's interesting to hear that even from a cultural perspective, that's kind of what we're raised to do as someone from the United States is, is get it done, pick yourself up by your bootstraps, check everything off your list so that then you can rest. And it's like, you know, the culture, for instance, in Nicaragua is different. When you can put your work aside and be present with somebody and sit and listen, you're sending them a different message. You're sending them that they're the most important thing. It's not in their bathroom. It's not how quickly they get their water, it's them. And you know, somewhere I'm sure in the world, there's a perfect mix of, you know, checking things off your, off your box, but also taking time out of your day to put people first. I don't know where that is. I hope to find a someday. Right. But you know, it is a cultural difference that exists and, and I'm glad you got to experience something like that to, to just kind of see that not everyone in the world is kind of that task driven, you know, person or, or from that kind of culture. And that there is something else out there that exists.

(08:04): Yeah. That trip was life-changing in. That was one of the reasons is when I came back, it's a little bit of take the foot off the gas, some, and even though going there, we see Jesus model it and scripture it's, you know, feed the 5,000, but yet go off to the mountaintop or go off to be with his 12 disciples or even just the three, we need to spend time with them. So you'd see it. But it had it's, it's sometimes it's hard in the day-to-day to, to remind ourselves of that. Absolutely. One question I love just to process. And sometimes I say this towards the end, but I have a feeling this is going to be a lot longer because I think you're just so good about being open-handed with your life. And I selfishly I want to learn from you in that, but I think there's a lot in the listeners to hear from it's this idea of, you know, when in your life have you handed over your story for a story and without putting words in your mouth of man, to me, it'd be like, well, it's when you went to Nicaragua.

(09:01): Well, wait, maybe it's when you came back. Oh, you know, maybe it's now pursuing your new degree that you're going after. So to me, I was like, I can't wait to talk to Jared and figure this out because it seems like a constant handing over to see what's new, just almost like a tilling of the soil. And so I'd love to hear so in your life, Jared, what's that look like?

(09:23): Well, I think one thing you, you, you touched on right there, you know, to me, it is literally a daily dying to self that happens, or that should happen. I'm not always perfect at that. It might even be hour by hour or minute by minute, but, you know, to be honest, similar to, to a lot of people, I didn't grow up in church. My family would maybe go Christmas and Easter and it wasn't until much later in life that I became a real follower of who Jesus is and really trying to put my life in his hands and being able to kind of give up my story back in. So I guess kind of the first time that I really would say, I really started to live that way was back in August of 2012, which was the last time I had a drink. And that in and of itself has been a life-changing thing for my marriage, for my relationship with my kids.

(10:21): I certainly had a history of a drug and alcohol abuse. That was, it was not healthy and was leading down a lot of really dangerous paths. And and some video to, to have been able to put that aside and say, look, you know, at that point it was kinda like, okay, Jesus I'm not, I'm no longer willing to just be a consumer of what you have. I'm going to be a follower. And so whatever you say goes from here on out and to see the fruit of that, like I said, in my, in my marriage, my relationship with my kids, even, even professionally, to the extent that it's kind of opened my eyes to, I don't want to chase the almighty dollar anymore. It's just been, it's been amazing. And so, you know, speaking about Nicaragua, my first time on a mission trip, there was in 2010, I was super impressed with Amigos for Christ.

(11:14): On my first trip, I came back and started organizing groups, taking them down to Nicaragua once or twice a year. My wife and I thought about moving down to Nicaragua in 2012. And so we went on a trip, kind of what they called a preview week, looking at homes and schools and all that kind of stuff. And interestingly, at that point, a crossroads was non-involved we were going to crossroads, but there was no relationship between Amigos and crossroads, but while we were there, my wife pretty clearly heard the Lord say, not now she could tell you the exact place where she felt like she that from, from the Lord. And so, you know, we, at that point went to John bland, who's kind of the, the head honcho of Amigos and just said, this is kind of what we're hearing. And of course he was encouraging like, Whoa, you need to follow what God tells you.

(12:06): You know? And, and so interestingly years later, fast forwarding to when the relationship was created between Amigos and crossroads and compassion international, you know, I went to lunch with some folks at crossroads where they said, you know, we really feel like we'd like to have somebody on the ground there. What do you think? And it was really easy in that moment to have this recall of, Oh, wow. I remember back in 2012 when God said not now. And it was because he had this time in mind and to be able to connect those dots. And so we had a lot of praying to do and, you know, did a lot of soul searching about, is this the right thing for us individually? Is it right for our family unit? Is it right for our kids? But ultimately we kind of felt like this was where God had us.

(13:00): And, you know, interestingly enough, of course I had a professional career in corporate marketing. My wife's pediatrician loved her client base was, you know, by all signs, we were, we were kind of living the American dream, so to speak, you know, I owned our own home. Our kids are doing great in school. And so it was, it was not easy to just kind of uproot and say, well, how about if we just move to the second poorest country in Western hemisphere? Like that, that doesn't just happen. But that being said, we knew that God had something for us in that because he had made it, you know, what we would consider pretty clear. And so, you know, I think the other thing thinking about just winning at home is the level of inclusion that we try to have with our kids when it comes to making decisions.

(13:52): And so, you know, obviously at the end of the day, they realized that mom and dad are the ones that are going to make the big calls, but being able to, to bring them into the fold on making those decisions, including when we moved, it was just a super cool process, you know? And I feel like they, they gained something out of that. And, you know, like you said earlier, like they felt valued. They felt like we, we cared and we did what their opinion of about what this move was gonna be and how's it gonna affect us and all of those things. And so, you know, we moved down in October of 2017 and we were there for almost three years and, and then obviously ultimately recently made the decision to, to come back to the, to the United States, but still remaining open-handed to whatever God has in store. Of course. So, yeah, that's a incredible journey and story, so many different paths I could go down and I want to go down and even we'll talk after this podcast. Cause I would love to just

(14:52): Learn more of it. A couple of pieces, real that are top of mind at the moment. You know, you mentioned your first trip in 2010 and you made a comment about really a significant part of your journey being August, 2012. Was that last drink? So in those two years span, you're, you're one foot kind of going towards God, one foot back in your old self. I mean the whole idea of you can't put new wine in old wine skin. So there was a tension of they're in there about two years, I'm gathering from you stepping forward, but then yet still being tugged backwards.

(15:26): Absolutely. I mean, I was ambivalent about the whole thing of kind of walking away from those things that, that were present in my life. And so, you know, it w it was a definite tug of war and ultimately kinda had some things kind of blow up in my face, so to speak personally and in my marriage. And you know, I felt like God finally had me right where he wanted me, where it was like, do you finally see that when you try to lead this thing, it doesn't work. You're, you're never going to get where you want it to go by you being in charge. You've got to turn this thing over to me. And so, you know, I went on a run not long before we moved back from Nicaragua, which was, is a whole story in and of itself. We'll save that for a different day.

(16:16): But yeah, I felt like God told me I am the author of the story and you're just a character. And it struck me in a way that, you know, I just hadn't thought of it in that way. You know, I, I guess in my head, I know that that's true, but it really brought me back to a point where it was like, man, I need to learn from that. I really need to listen and hone in on that because when I try to be the author of the story, it just doesn't, it doesn't go as well. You know, it leads to wreckage and carnage around me. And when I'm really literally literally able to turn the reins over things just work out, things just work out so much better. And so that's what I'm trying to do, man, on a daily basis, you know? Yeah,

(17:02): No, that's great. You know, crossroads few years ago gave out a postcard poster board. It's a great day to die. I framed it. It's on my wall. It's actually behind me and in our zoom call, how do you do that daily? Cause you made a comment early on is the, that's a daily reminder to you of dying to yourself. And I know that I need to as well and have the Bible verse and know those pieces, but how are you doing it? Like what's that rhythm look like for you to make sure you really do have that posture that you are just a character of God's story.

(17:37): Yeah. I mean, I like to think that I, I pray pretty constantly throughout the day, just as a general statement, but I try to make it a point to my day with the little cord. And so I typically try to try to remain pretty physically active just to stay healthy and stay in shape. And so I'll go out for either a run or a bike ride probably four to five days a week. And the majority of that time is spent just trying to center myself and, and hear from the Lord and also praying for other people whether it's my friends in Nicaragua, my family, whoever. Yeah. We'll try to do the same thing before bed at night, just to kind of get recentered and say, look, you know, was my day really about what you had for me and how can I make it better tomorrow?

(18:26): And so those are kind of just two practical ways that I try to do that. You know, I've never, if being honest, never been super disciplined to say, okay, I'm going to set my alarm tomorrow for five 30. I'm going to get up. And I'm just going to spend 30 minutes just listening for what guy. And you're like, that's just, it's not practical for me. I'm not saying it's not possible, but right now it's not practical. And so it kind of turns into what, what is going to work like what, what kind of truly, you know, make happen. And so that's where I'm at right now. Yeah. Well, was Paul talks about never sees praying and that's the practice that you have done where throughout the day, your trying to be praying, checking with God, almost recalibrating to what he has for you as opposed to yourself. So I think it's even great reminder for me to just continue to make sure I'm praying throughout the day. And I try to do a good job of there's some days I'm backed up

(19:18): Grizz over people in America. What we talked about being a miss. Hello, this is Corey Carlson. Thank you very much for listening to this podcast. I greatly appreciate it. If things that we're saying or you're hearing what the guests are talking about, and you want to see how it can apply to your life and you want to dive deeper into the content. And I invite you to visit my website at Cory M Carlson, to learn more about my coaching program, what I'm doing for clients like you and how it can help you start winning boat at home and at work and living in life to the full. So thank you very much for listening and back to today's episode. Thank you. And so what would your encouragement be for

(20:05): Families? You have moved and you've been there for three years in Nicaragua. Now you've came back and for myself, going with Kylie who is our 16 year old, I mean, it was life-changing what is the encouragement you have for those? Obviously there are answers, Hey, go on a mission trip. But even for those, how can they have a story as a family? That's a little bit bigger than themselves from a family B have that posture of, Hey, as a family, we want to do some different things. I think that, you know, the first thing to do is to, to realize that you can do hard things. You can do hard things. And whether, again, that's individually or as family unit, you know, I I'd love to sit here and tell you that. I think it's always, the parents have this vision for where they want their kids to go and you express that to them and they just jump on board and off we go let's and I just don't think it always works that way.

(21:05): In fact, I know a friend of mine who led his parents to the Lord. And so I think that almost in some ways it goes back to this concept of inclusion and trying to bring your kids into the fold. I can absolutely remember times when we've done things, whether it's a long weekend or things like that, where it's been based in what our kids have shared with us, what the, what they want to do. And so, you know, going back to, I guess to the original question is to encourage people to feel like not only is it okay to get out of your comfort zone is recommended. Yeah, absolutely. You have to be able to do that, to kind of push yourself to the limit of where God wants you because he doesn't whole other story. There was a political socio-political crisis that happened in Nicaragua while we were there.

(21:49): And I remember coming back for a few weeks in the midst of that and really starting to question, are we supposed to be there or not? And I felt like the Lord told me, I didn't call you to comfort. I called you to me. Well, and it just was a great reminder again, to me, like, you know, he never told me to move home. That was me. That was me starting to question whether or not I was supposed to be in Nicaragua. And so, you know, after hearing from, from him that statement, it was like, you know, we're not moving back. You know, it is going to be a little uncomfortable. We're going to have some rough days. Things are going to be weird, but that's, that's where God has us right now. And until he shows us something different, we're going to need to learn to be uncomfortable. And that's okay. Yeah.

(22:39): So everyday Nicaragua, you were uncomfortable. I mean, it's hopping on a school bus, going to a new community, build the bathroom here comes a whole new influx of new missionaries to help for the week. I mean, constant change family is going out, doing hard things as you've came back to the United States, how are, how are you and your family doing hard things now? What are those that you're doing for some of us that are here? And it's like, Hey, I want to kind of start pushing the limits with my family. I want to win a home first, but also make an impact with others, which is part of the mission, which is part of winning a home is making even your family bigger than just your immediate group.

(23:19): Yeah. you know, I think we're, we're, we are absolutely still in kind of a transitional phase. And the United States that we left back in 2017 is not the United States that we moved back to. And we can have a whole number of conversation about what that means too. But there are things that look extremely different than, than what we knew. And, you know, when comes to doing hard things, I think it would be easy for us in some ways to jump back into the American, we got to get our kids involved in 8,000 activities and we got to run from here to there and I've got to be busy every single second of the day and, you know, cooking dinner. I mean, there's any number of things that we could get wrapped up in. And that would, that would not be difficult for us to fall back into that. And I think one thing that we're being super conscious about is, is our time and how to manage our time. You know, when you think about the concept of tithing, if I just said, Cory, what does it mean to you to tie you might, my sense is that you would probably say, well, that means you need to give 10% of your income back to the church.

(24:32): That very much drew a concept

(24:34): That we, we all understand and, and is based in the Bible, but what would it look like if we were all able to do tithing of our time as well, to where we had some margin. And I think it goes back to this concept of, you know, to, to know that the most important person is the one that's right in front of you and in any given moment. And so that's what we're really trying to challenge ourselves to do right now is whether it's at the grocery store or our neighbor that might need something like how can I be present in the moment and let somebody know that they're important and that's to be present, to be with them, to be, allow them to feel known.

(25:19): And it's great. It's so simple, but yet can be so hard to do that. But I tell ya, it is so much needed right now. I mean, people mask, I mean, especially if we wear these masks, we're not making eye contact anymore. We're not saying hi

(25:34): As your family

(25:36): Is leading in grocery stores, leading in neighborhood walks, whatever it may be to see people. And we're saying, hi, we're looking him in the eye. We're smiling. Yeah. All those pieces. And we're trying to do the same, but it's such a good reminder to do that because we don't have to make an impact. Well, the only way to make an impact is not hopping on a plane and going to Nicaragua. You're a hundred percent, right. We could do it right here by just loving and serving others, being present, having them feel known and valued through conversation. And it's a reminder to get up and start doing it.

(26:09): Yeah. It's funny how, how much, any of us can complicate a concept. That's really not all that difficult. Love God and love your neighbor like yourself,

(26:23): But I can't love God and love others if I'm the most important person. And that's our process, all of our problems is we're so worried about our own to-do list, our own agenda. Yeah. So much inward looking versa, looking to serve others. One piece, you said a couple of different times and Holly and I completely agree with you guys where it's an inclusion of kids. And we noticed that at work where if we want to get our employees to come along, we have to have them devoice in, in order to buy in. Yeah. And the same thing, so true in our family. But I will hear parents talk about, or, you know, we're not talking about that with our kids yet. We're not doing this. And it's like, why they're going to find out. I mean, especially now with kids having phones and access that they'll Google, whatever the heck they want to get their answer.

(27:15): And plus they just can sense when mom and dad are talking about something, maybe they're strategizing something. Maybe they're not fighting, but discussing something. I tell you in our house, it is much easier to be talking about everything, getting that inclusive, getting their opinion and letting them know what's going on. Plus it keeps them from living in a bubble where everything's hunky Dory. They get to know, Hey, there's challenges. Money can come up and down. There's different stresses. So I love that. That's how you guys are too. And you've seen that to be so successful

(27:49): Your family. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I think like you said, it's, it's in some kind of backwards way, it's like, I need my kids to see me struggle. I need to know my kids for my kids to know that life is not easy and I don't have everything under control. You know, I rely on a God that loves me and wants to help me in the difficult times. And so being able to show that in front of them, I think is maybe not always the easiest thing, cause you want to put up, you know, that front, like I've got this, but man, I think that the long-term lessons that they can take away from that are invaluable. I sure hope they are

(28:33): An AR. And just knowing your story. I mean, I'm going to get a lot of inspiration just thinking of that. Because as a parent, we don't want our kids to see us fail, but yet you said we're going to Nicaragua and they're going to see you fail every day. As you try to learn Spanish and you try to lead people of different cultures, see you fail. And now you come back to the United States and now you're going to school to get a degree. And so now they're seeing, you know, the, the pressures and the ups and downs of success, the failures of studying yeah. You put in the hours to then, to now be an entrepreneur and launch a business. I mean, yeah, you, you, what I love is how you just have your life right in front of your kids and they get to see that the, the, the good, bad, ugly. And so I think that is so neat. So well done. I mean, congrats. That's pretty cool. Thank you. So now you've moved back. Yeah. And it sounds like that's a longer story than just a, a few minutes on a podcast. So we'll, we'll save it. But what is the, the idea of going back to school? Why is your heart pulling you that way to pursue your degree and what you look to do? Yeah,

(29:42): You know, I had started the, the program that I'm in at Xavier back in 2015, and I was going kind of one class at a time while working full-time and trying to be a husband and a dad and, you know, leading small groups and all this other things. And, you know, when we made the decision to move back and felt like this was what God was calling us to, I kind of got to a point Corey, where it was like, I'm not going to go back and work full-time and go to school. You know, if there's one thing I've learned, it's it's to slow down and kind of change that pace of life. And so, you know, I went through a pretty, pretty intense prayer time where I was seeking counsel and things like that from, from other believers where it was, well, am I going to go back to work in corporate America?

(30:34): Or am I going to pursue this degree? And, you know, I finally got to a point court where it was like, if I go back to corporate America, it's going to be for a paycheck. That's what it will be for because it's, it's not going to be most likely would not have been something that, you know, was really going to drive me or feel like I was making a huge difference. I'm not saying that someone can't find that. Absolutely. You can find that professionally in corporate life. But for me, that just, it wasn't going to be the case. And so I, I got to a point, it was like, I can't let money drive this decision. So I said, I'm going to go for it. And, you know, I'm blessed that my wife does what she does. And it literally affords me the ability to go back and be a full-time student at this phase of life.

(31:22): But it is something that I feel like God has in store for me. And it was like, if that's where he's at, then that's where I need to go. You know? And so I'm enrolled full time as a college student again. And and it's fascinating, you know, the other thing I think that's really important is being able to do something that you feel passionate about and that you love, which is why I'm super happy, you're doing what you're doing. And, and, you know, I admire you for making the leap to, and it's just, it's really good to be able to sit down and in some way, I'm going to sound like a nerd here for a minute, but like, to be able to open up a textbook and walk away fascinated by what I just read. It's like, Whoa, you can actually think that that's possible, but it is. And so, you know, that's certainly been a huge encouragement too, to know that I'm actually enjoying the material side of, of what I'm doing too.

(32:12): Absolutely. I mean, because you're going to be doing it for years now for decades. So that's neat that you enjoy it so much. And yeah, just that, even as you said, you know, in in your forties and I believe, and so it's to say, I'm going to be a full I'm enrolled as a full-time student. I mean, just to re lower your pride to say it doesn't matter what age I'm going to do things I'm going for it. Yeah. So yeah, that, that is really,

(32:40): Really cool. So I love just kind of asking these questions and what are you most excited about in the next 30 days? I'm a competitor, I'm a sports guy and watching my kids get back involved in activity, something that really wasn't overly possible in Nicaragua. It's just not something that they do there. And so being able to my daughter's running cross country this year, and so I'm going to get to go to watch some of her meets my, my sons decided to play flag football. And so I'm super excited to just watch them compete. And you know, I am a big football fan. So the idea of being able to be back here and watching, at least for now, we have a football season happening. Yeah. Right. All right. So we'll see how long that lasts, but you know, being able to watch those things and then, you know, really just watching the transition of our family continue to unfold.

(33:37): It's not been easy, but I know that God is involved. And I know he goes ahead of us and is with us each step of the way. So in some weird ways, you know, like this can continue concept of being uncomfortable for a while. It, it actually, in some weird way is something that I'm excited to watch, continue to unfold, because I know that we're all going to be better for it in the end. We just gotta gotta stay the course, you know, and, and keep pounding the nail and die in each day to ourself and following what the Lord has for us. It's very, very good. How can listeners get ahold of you if they wanted to learn more about Amigos for Christ or more by Nicaragua, or just learn more about your story and there's maybe something you said any part of your journey that could be very inspirational to others.

(34:25): So I'd love to get your information out there. I'm certainly on LinkedIn from a business perspective. It's just under Jared Alexander on LinkedIn. I am on Twitter at Jay Alexander four. We're on Facebook. My, I have an email address, Jared osu@gmail.com, but you know, so any one of those ways, you know, we'd love to hear from people, whether it's in ways I can be praying for people or, or serve others, you know, whatever that might look like. I'd love to be able to jump in and continue to help people in that way. For sure. And just love your heart. If you want to pray for others, you're always thinking about that's neat. That's definitely some pieces I'm going to do

(35:06): Take away from this. Well, thank you so much for not only this moment on the podcast, but what you do or the impact that you had on Kylie's in my life and Nicaragua. So just thank you very, very much. Thank you, Corey. I want to thank you for listening to my podcast. When at home first, I am so grateful to hear from listeners like you, that this content has been helpful. So now I would love for you to pay it forward. I want to get this message in the hands of more listeners. We need leaders to be winning both at home and at work, especially during this time. So please take a minute to share this episode with somebody you think would find value in it, as well as rate and subscribe as a thank you, please visit my website@corymcarlson.com to download a free resource that people are finding value in. Thank you very much.

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