Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Men and Women,

Boys and Girls,

Children of all ages… behold the next great wonder of the modern world.

It’s “Three things you must do before you can sell a thing

Why is this such a big deal?…


I used to hate doing videos.
I couldn’t stand the way I looked, I didn’t know what to say, and I could never get to the point quick enough.
That’s why I didn’t do videos…before.
Then one of my buddies gave me a formula that helped me make punchy videos that delivered great insights in less than two minutes.…


If you haven’t noticed I decided to test something new this week…
I sent you two emails, one in the morning and one in the evening.
Why? Because I wanted to find out if I should be emailing you more often (as if 7 days per weeks wasn’t enough)
What might shock you is that I didn’t get any more unsubscribes than I usually do.…


A while back I told you interview podcasts are dead.
Why? Because lazy podcasters are interviewing the same people over and over again, asking the same old boring questions, and being copy-cats.
I’ve decided to take advantage of a fatal flaw in the system.…


His show failed, so he started a podcast consulting business.
HOLY CRAP! I just got off the phone with this guy some would consider a “GuRu” in the podcasting world and I couldn’t believe my ears.…


I don’t know if you noticed but I’ve been binging on books lately.
It all started with a goal I set earlier this year to read 52 books in 2016.
I started the year strong reading one book per week, but something weird happened when I was in Utah snowboarding for the week.…


Two years of hard work, forty seven thousand fans, and it was all gone in the blink of an eye.
I was devastated. I blindly followed the advice the GuRoobs gave me. They told me I didn’t need a website now a days because everyone was on Facebook.…


How about we play a little game of myth busters today?
If I had a nickel for every time I heard an aspiring podcaster say they want to start a podcast to build their audience I would have enough nickels to swim in them like Scrooge McDuck.…


I read an article this morning in the Wall Street Journal about “generation Z”
It said the kids from “generation z” view using eMail as a right of passage into adulthood.
These kids were using tablets before PC’s, messengers before eMail and they have 10 different ways to get in touch with their friends.…


We got something new for your ear holes this week.
And I want you to have it before anyone else.
I used to hate doing videos,
I couldn’t stand the way I look, I didn’t like recording them, and I had no clue what to say to sound interesting.…


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