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You’ve just come into a big lump sum of cash, and you’re ready to get started with Infinite Banking.
Is it best to put it all into your banking system right away, or is there a better approach?
In this episode I’ll share why it usually isn’t best to put an entire lump sum into a new banking system.… READ MORE

There’s been a lot of buzz around Universal Life Insurance policies. Mostly because they offer great flexibility in their premiums, and they sound great at first glance.
So you might be wondering: is this a better way to do infinite banking?… READ MORE

It can be hard enough to pay all your bills when you’re healthy.
What if hardship strikes and you can’t make your bills? How will you ever pay your whole life insurance premium? Is your policy doomed to lapse, or is there something you can do?… READ MORE

You like the Infinite Banking Concept, but you honestly wonder: “What company is the best for the whole life insurance I need to get started?”
It’s a question I get a lot! And even though I can’t give a cookie cutter answer, in this episode I’ll explain why that’s actually a good thing.… READ MORE

Hypotheticals are one thing, but you want to know: “How do people actually use Infinite Banking to make their lives better?”
Today I’m answering that question the best way I know how: by filling this episode to the brim with examples of what real people have done, and are doing.… READ MORE

In a world where “too good to be true” usually is, it’s easy to wonder if Infinite Banking works the way advisers like me claim.
Maybe that’s why so many people head to Google and ask “Is Infinite Banking a scam?”
In this episode I’m going to separate fact from fiction so you can see through the confusion and misrepresentations certain “experts” create around IBC.… READ MORE

Now that you understand long term care coverage and why it’s so important, it’s time to talk about different ways to secure these benefits. Benefits that could be the difference between dignity and despair in the latter years of your life.… READ MORE

You know long term care coverage is something you should look into, but you figure you have plenty of time. It isn’t urgent.
But the truth is: waiting could be a huge mistake.
In this episode I’ll share why you should secure this coverage sooner rather than later.… READ MORE

It’s easy to get confused about long term care vs. long term disability. And without being prepared, you could be setting yourself up for financial disaster at the worst possible time: your senior years.… READ MORE

Ask the average person if they think they’ll become disabled, and naturally they’ll say no.
And while I hope they’re right, the statistics tell a different story. And it’s not just statistics: it’s real people in the same position as you.… READ MORE

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