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What if I told you that all the success you desire is within your reach if you do one simple thing? There is one decision you can make today to immediately improve your life.
That decision is to embrace a growth mindset.… READ MORE

Go, go, go. Spend, spend, spend. Buy, buy, buy.
The consumer mindset in our society today pushes people into thinking that the next purchase will make them happy. Yet so many people feel empty and depressed.… READ MORE

Everyone gets stuck from time to time. It feels like nothing is working, and we get trapped in an endless cycle of self-pity. We want to stay stuck.
Feeling stuck encourages procrastination and inactivity.… READ MORE

If you’re not growing, you’re dying. This is true for everything from your health to your mind to your professional skills.
You may be an expert in your field today, but if you don’t continue to grow and adapt, you’ll get left behind.… READ MORE

A single decision can change the world for the better. But indecisiveness leads to procrastination, overthinking, and failure.
Decisions have the power to motivate and inspire. But lack of decision can lead to frustration and resentment.… READ MORE

We’ve all had big dreams. But in a lot of cases, those dreams didn’t pan out the way we envisioned them. Sadly, this causes a lot of people to give up.
Our outcome-oriented society has trained us to expect instant gratification and immediate results.… READ MORE

Obstacles are inevitable. What you do when faced with obstacles can crush you or take you new levels.
What goes through your mind when life places seemingly insurmountable hurdles in your path?
Vision lets you see opportunities other people miss.… READ MORE

Our society has a variety of ways to convince you that someone or something is valuable. Titles, wealth, cost, status, and many others.
Friends, don’t buy into the lie.
When we allow superficial standards to influence our judgments of value, we risk missing out on the best life has to offer.… READ MORE

Character seems to be in short supply these days. And our shallow, superficial culture doesn’t help. In fact, it works in sneaky, subversive ways to prevent you from building up your character.
So how do you overcome these forces of evil to improve your character and quality of life?… READ MORE

Carpe diem. Seize the day. These words are easy to say, but how do you do it? Grand gestures or huge acts of service can seem overwhelming. You get stuck in your head and wind up not doing anything.
Thankfully that’s not the case.… READ MORE

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