How about we play a little game of myth busters today?
If I had a nickel for every time I heard an aspiring podcaster say they want to start a podcast to build their audience I would have enough nickels to swim in them like Scrooge McDuck.… READ MORE
I read an article this morning in the Wall Street Journal about “generation Z”
It said the kids from “generation z” view using eMail as a right of passage into adulthood.
These kids were using tablets before PC’s, messengers before eMail and they have 10 different ways to get in touch with their friends.… READ MORE
A lot of people get bogged down wondering what equipment to use for their podcast show.
In this video you’ll see the minimum viable podcast equipment you need to start a show that sounds professional.
This is the exact podcast equipment I use to record all my shows at the podcast factory since 2009.… READ MORE
Podcasting ain’t for everyone, and that’s a fact.
Today I was interviewed by a guy who I really like. His name is Vernon form the MicScience show.
The reason I like this dude is because he keeps telling people, “If you don’t have a business, you don’t need a podcast show.”
And you know what, he’s dead right.… READ MORE
I just read Gary Vee’s new book “Ask GaryVee”
It’s compiled from questions he’s answered over the past couple hundred episodes of his daily video show.
I don’t always agree with Gary, especially the part of his hustle that makes him work ridiculously long hours and not see his family for days at a time.… READ MORE