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People always say attention spans are going down in today's society.
That's why I try to keep most of my "tips" videos under 3 minutes.
Then I go to look at my You Tube analytics for this month to find out 40% of my views are coming from one of my longer videos.… READ MORE

Ever since I wrote you about "Dong's feeding time" people have been asking how our son got his nickname.
Nope, it has nothing to do with any of his physical attributes.
After a few days of hanging out in our condo with our son Cupcake's Uncle invited us to his place in the Batangas.… READ MORE

The last thing she said to us was, "Expect all the progress you make to disappear when you get home."
We thought she was kidding.
After all, when we got this kid he didn't know how to hold hands, hug, or kiss.… READ MORE

There's an epidemic in iTunes right now.
A new show comes out every minute and there's almost nothing original out there.
People seem to think there's only one way to do a podcast. This is why most shows sound alike.… READ MORE

One of the top reasons people say they want to start a podcast show is to grow their audience.
If you're new in your market, if no one knows who you are, if you want to make a big impact fast – then you're right.… READ MORE

We're back in the United States and in a few short hours we'll be back home in Orlando.
I can't wait for that.
It's been a crazy trip traveling with our new kiddo for the first time.
Cupcake and I have been frazzled trying to make sure we have everything we need for Dong (yip, that's his nickname – maybe I'll tell you how he got it another time)
Anyways, one of the things we have to carry is baby bottles with precisely 6 ounces of water to mix up his formula when it's time to eat.… READ MORE

I’d like to talk you’re ear off about all the adventures I’m having as a new Dad,
But I know ain’t nobody got time for that.
So instead I’ll give you what I know you really want – the hotness from The Podcast Factory last week.… READ MORE

Keeping today’s note short and sweet for you.
If you hate iTunes, if downloading another app just to get your favorite show bugs you, if you’re living in the stone age and don’t want to try anything new then I’ve got some good news for you my antiquated friend.… READ MORE

With so many business’ out there trying to pry money from your wallet at all costs.
And so many bad guys making big promises and not delivering it can be scary to make a big investment without investigating.
In this crazy world we live in, how hard is it for you to find an ally you can count on?… READ MORE

People often ask “How does it work” when I join The Podcast Factory.
And I usually only talk to you about this on the phone.
But I’ve been asked enough time that I figure it’s worth writing about.… READ MORE

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