“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

I was heading into bed,
It was 9:00 pm.
Cupcake’s phone dings with a new eMail.
She looks at it and says, “Oh, it’s only you. I used to read your emails when you were sending them once or twice per week.… READ MORE

You want to know one of the biggest mistakes I see people making all the time?
It’s looking for answers in all the wrong places.
They jump from book to book.
Guroob to Guroob.
In hopes they’ll fine the magic answer to their problems.… READ MORE

I’m going to make you a bold promise here.
And for the right person, this could be awesome.
So here’s the deal.
I want to DOUBLE your sales.
Yes, you read that correctly.
DOUBLE your sales.
I’m so confident in my Direct Response Podcast™ framework.… READ MORE

You remember the OLD way to gain authority in your market?
Where you had to write a book,
Fly across the country,
Live in Hotels,
Speak at Conferences,
And work your tail off just so people knew your name.… READ MORE

The other day I asked,
“Why are you here?”
And I got some interesting responses.
One of them came from Jon Paul Ahsworth.
Here’s what he wrote:
“Not at the level for a podcast yet but I am however, learning email marketing by studying the lists that I am on.… READ MORE

I know you might not be from the U.S.
But we’re celebrating “Thanks Giving” over here.
Around this time of year people start playing up the, “I’m grateful for this & I’m grateful for that” act.… READ MORE

If you think you need complicated
Sales funnels
Surveys, Segmentation, and Super Powers to build your biz…
Don’t believe the hype.
All you need is three things to build a millyun-a-year biz.… READ MORE

You gotta love people.
Someone wrote to say, “You’re selling out man.”
Because I am charging people for my new Direct Response Podcast™ Report.
And I find this incredibly funny for a few reasons.… READ MORE

It’s crazy.
Last time I left you I was about to take a call.
It was two calls actually – one with an old client and the other with a new client who just launched her show.
While we were talking she casually mentioned that all of her sales calls in the lats couple of weeks have mentioned something about her show.… READ MORE

Did you hear about this?
After 9 long years of being a member the big box gym up the street I finally quit.
I was tired of slinging weights with meat-heads, stinky locker rooms, and endless people chatting more than working out.… READ MORE

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