“Get more clients with Direct Response Podcasting®

I told myself I wouldn’t write you today.
But who am I kidding.
I have stuff to say.
And you need to hear it.
So Johnny’s back.
And I want to give you a tip on what NOT to do when you’ve got something to sell.
Last week someone sent me an email telling me he heard me on a podcast interview and I was awesome.… READ MORE

Yesterday I was at my final Strategic Coach workshop of the year.
The first half of the day went as usual.
Thy taught us a concept.
We wrote about the concept.
Then we talked about the concept.
These three simple steps are the beginning of every major improvement I’ve made in my business over the last two years.… READ MORE

“Audio terrifies me”
That’s what my buddy Nic said kept him from starting his podcast.
He’s not like your average Joe who runs away when they get scared.
Nic likes to run headfirst INTO things that scare him.… READ MORE

I hung up the phone.
Walked over to Cupcake and said,
“This guy isn’t going to stop until he changes the world.”
It’s his Relentless pursuit of growth that makes him a fascinating character.
And he’s accompanied by two other smart fellows on his show.… READ MORE

“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
You want to know the problem with most marketing?
It’s bland.
It’s luke warm.
It’s not worth looking at or consuming.… READ MORE

Yesterday I came into the office with one thing in mind.
I almost couldn’t contain myself.
It was long overdue and I was ready to fix it.
As soon as I grabbed my Pikes Roast I sat down and started working on one of the pages on my website.… READ MORE

Hmm, I better choose my words carefully this time.
Last week I wrote to tell you the story about a guy who I jumped on a strategy call with, even though he didn’t match my criteria.
Looks like it was a bad choice of words.… READ MORE

Here’s what Nathan Segal said about his call with me:
“Our call today was unexpected. It was less about building our podcasting audience and more about our message; our marketing. You surprised me me by saying that the message of another guru was not what we needed, the the answers were already there in form of the customers we have already served, that we have helped.… READ MORE

Got something for you.
It’s kinda old.
It’s kinda funny.
Back in 2014 my buddy Ben Settle had me on his show and I proceeded to give what he described as “The World’s worst sales pitch for podcasting.”
Before I give you the link you should know…
This was back before The Podcast Factory was a real biz.… READ MORE

Last friday morning Cupcake woke up in shock.
Her eMail inbox was overflowing with “Black Friday” sales from every retailer on the planet.
Normally she has 10-20 eMails in the morning.
But on this particular morning she had over 150.… READ MORE

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