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How Liquor.com was founded back in the Wild, Wild West days of the Internet is a great study in “bootstrap entrepreneurism” paying off BIG time.
But the most interesting part is how and WHEN it paid off.…


Marketing people treat the law of reciprocity like it’s marketing gospel.
Heck, some people base their entire business around it.
How about we examine what the biggest proponent… at least the most QUOTED
proponent of the law of reciprocity thinks about it, shall we?…


There seems to be two types of business owners.
One makes money. (Sometimes.)
The other builds a business AND makes money.
Your mindset is what determines which of these you do.
It’s why most of the biggest names in the Internet Marketing world are no longer around.…


My foray into bodybuilding was an initial 10-year journey of darn near ZERO progress.
In spite of training so damn hard I often burst blood vessels in my eyes. (That was part of the problem. But that’s a lesson for another time.)
Being an irrationally stubborn person, I persisted in training 4 to 6 days a week for 10 l-o-n- g years in spite of showing no progress.…


Well, at least I will be for anybody who has read all this wonderful stuff about copywriting like…
“Work from the beach with nothing but your laptop…”
Or this one…
“Live a life of leisure writing only an hour or two per day and make MILLIONS in royalties.”
I’m about to throw a wet blanket on the whole deal.…


Getting started is hard.
DAMN hard.
And staring at the blank page is painful.
Not just emotionally.
So THIS secret from a grizzled copywriting veteran and former stand up comedian was a MASSIVE breakthrough for me.…


I was reminded of this copywriting secret recently from a brilliant marketer and copywriter, Sean D’Souza.
I just used it to finish a 6,000-word piece that looks like it’s gonna be a barn burner new control.…


Wanna see how you should deal with online trolls?
Then you should see how this famous British author responded to one 18-year-old woman’s social media lambasting of his newest book.
His response was PERFECT.…


This is cutting edge “what’s-working-NOW-with-the-great-unwashed-consumer-masses” email marketing secrets.
And it’s pretty eye opening to see Louie discovering this stuff… almost in “real time.”
If you can’t take at least one of these ideas and use it to make money TODAY… then frankly there’s no hope for you.…


Did I ever tell you the story of my Christian fundraising letter?
Best. Sales. Letter. EVER.
TENS of millions of dollars in potential donations.
And my copywriting mentor Gary Halbert made me burn it.…


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