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I’m talking about a quarterly net profit of $10.5 billion from 50.6 billion in gross sales.
I don’t know of many corporations more profitable than this.
So I‘m going to tell you what they’re doing…
…and how us “kitchen table” entrepreneurs can swipe it for BIGGER profits.…


In 1790, the French “gummit” was running a little short on cash.
So they needed to find a new way to finance all the spending they wanted to do.
But they didn’t want to raise taxes because experience showed that would probably cause an armed rebellion.…


There’s a scary change on the horizon.
One I originally thought would cripple the U.S. economy.
Now it looks like it’s going to be a WORLDWIDE crisis.
It will be the ripple effect of a new technology considered by experts to be “the biggest trend of the decade.”
Yes, this could be economically devastating.…


I received a letter the other day.
Yeah, a REAL letter.
One that takes some time, thinking and effort to create. (Unlike 99.99% of most mails.)
It was written by hand.
Then placed in an envelope and sent by postal mail.…


It was a fraud from the very beginning.
The biggest Ponzi scheme in the world.
This swindle was sold to good, unsuspecting, God-fearing, salt-of- the-earth, trusting Americans who thought their politicians were looking out for them.…


On the latest episode of “Off The Chain” I was going to share the story of my recent solo music album release.
But it quickly veered off in a different direction.
And I got to ranting on matters of the spirit.…


I had an interesting chat with my colleague Sean D’Souza.
Within the first 15 seconds Sean revealed an effortless secret for making a lot more money.…


Being an entrepreneur requires you to think differently than the rest of the world.
Yet many try to apply their previously engrained ways of thinking and doing things.
You can make progress with that.…


Yeah, I know.
You don’t have the time you need to get everything done.
Like I used to say to all the mentals I had to deal with on the police department…
I believe that YOU believe that.
Truth is, you don’t have a time management problem.…


And it works almost instantly.
You’re about to hear the story of Krebiozen.
And how this secret not only cures cancer… it can bring you riches beyond belief.
Heck, it can bring you ANYTHING your heart desires.…


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