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In today’s age, work-life balance can feel like an impossible feat. The ever-compounding stress from long workdays can be extremely damaging to your health, relationships, and overall happiness.
Treat today as your call-to-arms because we’re going to talk about three really important points when it comes to better work-life balance for high-powered women.… READ MORE

There’s a huge misconception that everything in life boils down to having more time.
How often have you caught yourself slipping into catchphrases like these?
“If only I had more time…”
“I just need more time…”
“I need a couple more hours to catch up on work…”
The majority of people believe everything they want could be achieved if only they had more time.… READ MORE

Far too many people suffer in silence by taking on more work than they can handle. But your TRUE capacity is something your boss can’t possibly understand without being with you 24/7.
So how do you go about telling your boss that you have too much on your plate without coming across as weak, uncommitted, or not a team player?… READ MORE

Living in a constant state of “worry and hurry” drains your energy. Sometimes it can even make you feel crazy and out of control.
If you want to make the shift from strung out and stressed to calm and in control, this is the episode for you.… READ MORE

Everybody wakes up in the morning in the same way; we roll over, dreams begin to fade away, our eyes open, our mind turns on. But what each of us decides to do next varies significantly from one person to the next.… READ MORE

Without rest, we can easily fall into the trap of running ourselves into the ground headed for burnout. As a society, we’re addicted to speed, but sometimes, intentionally slowing down is what delivers rapid progress over the long-term.… READ MORE

Feeling comfortable is usually a good thing.
But becoming too comfortable and complacent can hold you back from growing and moving forward.
As an ambitious woman striving to reach your highest potential, I can tell you from experience that you’ll never get there if your “porridge” is always “just right.”
One of the most significant challenges high-achieving women face in business is having the confidence to know when their “porridge” is “just right,” (aka when they’ve become too comfortable in their current job).… READ MORE

The inevitable ups and downs of life can really have an impact on our confidence; the trust (and faith) we have in ourselves and our abilities. It can affect how we think, how we act, and how we feel.
Nearly ALL of the women I’ve advised have admitted they wanted more confidence.… READ MORE

All of us go through setbacks as a normal part of life. How we react and respond to those setbacks will determine whether we stagnate… or we grow and develop.
In today’s episode, you’re going to learn three simple strategies to make sure you really have control over your progress and you aren’t just reacting based on emotion.… READ MORE

Your house is a mess. Toys are everywhere, the garbage needs to be emptied, and the dishes are piled high in the sink waiting to be washed.
If you’re spending hours and hours on household tasks, just imagine what your life could be like if you could just get back a fraction of those hours.… READ MORE

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