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Amanda & Brandon Neely | Grandma's Wealth Wisdom

Judy Li - Do What You Like

Amanda & Brandon Neely | Grandma's Wealth Wisdom         Amanda & Brandon Neely | Grandma's Wealth Wisdom        
Judy Li - Do What You Like           Judy Li - Do What You Like          
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    We all know we should save money if we want to end the paycheck to paycheck cycle. But with interest rates lower than inflation, a savings account is really just losing your money slower. Plus, who wants to gamble on the stock market in these uncertain times?

    When you don’t have enough money, you’re always fretting about it and try to make more (maybe a second job will save me?).  But you don’t need millions in savings to enjoy the free lifestyle of the wealthy. You only need to know how to leverage your money to build a life you love.

    This week’s guest Judy Li always saved money, but got anxious just thinking about her money until she used Grandma’s strategies to take charge of her finances.

    In this episode, she shares how to plan your finances so you spend your money on experiences that fulfill you.

    Show highlights include:

    • How to find a financial advisor who knows what’s best for you (not only for them). (8:15)
    • The simple investment strategy that minimizes risk in unpredictable times. (12:13)
    • Why a life insurance policy might help you make more money in the stock market. (16:15)
    • How to lower your rent by “firing your landlord”. (17:42)
    • Why most jobs are unfulfilling (and how you can make your own dream job). (20:58)
    • Why a soul-sucking job can lead to life-changing business ideas. (22:08)
    • How your side hustle can make you miserable, even if people on social media pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows.. (23:43)

    Remember to download Grandma’s Top Tips for an Independent Financial Future by dropping into https://grandmaswealthwisdom.com/free/. It's time for YOU to break through to a smart, stable, financial future.

    If you’d like to see how Grandma’s timeless wealth strategies can work in your life, schedule your free 15-minute coffee chat with us by visiting www.grandmaswealthwisdom.com/call just like Grandma would want us to do.

    Watch the complete, extended interview here: https://youtu.be/Gt1uixvAYa8

    Find out more about the FIFe movement here: https://anchor.fm/fifemovement

    Find out more about the Financial Freedom masterclass here: https://grandmaswealthwisdom.com/ffmc

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