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Thought you should know.

There are a couple of new episodes of “Daddy's Working” up for your viewing pleasure.

In episode 29 Dong picks a really weird book for reading time.

And in Episode 30 I pack up the family and head to Columbia (our favorite restaurant) afterwards we end up surrounded by a bunch of bad a$$ Ferarri's.

You can check them out at https://thepodcastfactory.com/daddys-working/

Producer Jonathan

PS – You're cutting it close buckeroo. The next Podcast Mogul newsletter is going to print this week. If you're wondering whats inside the next issue it's all about getting “BOTS” to do your work for you, how you can be lazy to get big results, and some tips on taking mini-retirements the way we do.

Subscribe to the Podcast Mogul newsletter at http://PodcastMogul.com

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Without headaches or hassles


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