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Another week and another bunch of shows to fill your earholes.

Here are some goodies you may have missed last week and a little sneak peak of whats inside each one.

And, never miss your favorite show again when you Subscribe to our You Tube channel.



James Newberry | Donor Doctor

Tiger Haven: Test Before You Leap

Welcome to the Donor Doctor with your host James Newberry. On today’s show, James interviews Tiger Haven: Test Before You Leap.

Lesson from the Haven

Click here to listen…



Kyle Newell | Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Why Achieving Perfect Balance Is Counter Productive

In today’s show, the human strength expert Kyle Newell discusses about achieving balance and doing more in life.

Here are the show highlights of Why Achieving Perfect Balance Is Counter Productive:

The Story of the 3 N’s

Click here to listen…




Ben Settle | Podcast

Principles vs Tactics

I just slapped a new podcast up online.

It’s about principles vs tactics.

Inspired by the late Jim Camp (the world’s “most feared negotiator”).

Get ya some here:



Ben Settle

Click here to listen…




Doberman Dan | Off The Chain

Questions from the Canine Crew….

My heart can be had for free… but my mind is only available for rent.

That’s why I only answer marketing questions from the knights in my Marketing Camelot. ’Cuz they pay me.

Click here to listen…



Kevin Rogers | CopyChief Radio

10 sales-killing phrases (and what to say instead) with Max Hamm

As a copywriter, it’s easy to write what you think is a great piece of copy that feels right to you, but comes across to the reader in a totally different way.

Click here to listen…




Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle

3 Shortcuts To Influence & Persuade Your Prospect By Stating The Obvious


You are a marketer.

And what do you do as a marketer?

You make people understand that you have a solution to their problems.

But you fail to make them trust and buy from you.

Click here to listen…


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Orlando Florida 32820

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