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I just slapped a new podcast up online.

It's about principles vs tactics.

Inspired by the late Jim Camp (the world's “most feared negotiator”).

Get ya some here:



Ben Settle

P.S. Apparently, elBenbo’s podcast is raising the next generation…

Candice Parsons writes:


I just told my 10yo Wes his voice-over will be on Ben's new podcast episode 12,

Without missing a beat my boy gets on a roll about “crabs crawling out of buckets and getting kicked back in”, followed rapidly with “a hundred swarming Stews scrambling to get that one scrap of meat off the table.”

I might add it was festively chirped out rap-style with a huge grin on his face.

Needless to say Ben, you're very much *alive* in his head :-).

“Ben says” is something I hear maybe a bit too regularly (thinking that if I'm hearing it, then his Dad must be too!) Hahaha! CLASSIC.

Anyways, elBenbo prolly can never go wrong in this house.


I am particularly amused at his go-to phrase being “Ben says”…


Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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