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When life throws a monkey wrench into things, a lot of times you are forced to either quit or retire.
But rather than retire, pivot and change the direction of your life. And when you pivot, you start a new life or career.READ MORE

Society brainwashed you. Your parents brainwashed you. The school system brainwashed you. And our government brainwashed you. 
Here’s the problem: 
Sociopaths lurk everywhere. They’re in schools, governments, and corporations.READ MORE

A lot of us have a weird anxiety around money. We don’t like looking at our bank account, thinking about retirement or reviewing our expenses. 
But being afraid of finances costs you—and not just financially. READ MORE

Inflation wants to break into your retirement portfolio and devour your returns. Especially when you follow the investing “rules of thumb.” 
Are you going to let it? Or are you going to entrench your portfolio with inflation-protecting defenses? READ MORE

Everyone’s competing for talent, but who’s doing it right? Well, our guests on this episode certainly are. These guys have cracked to code on how to reach top construction professionals all across North America.READ MORE

If you’re hitting $40k+ per month consistently and you’ve set up your “client attraction flywheel” from the last episode, there’s only one thing holding you back from greater and greater success – serving your clients. READ MORE

Fear strikes us all from time to time.
But what if instead of wallowing in fear, you were able to harness it? You could turn fear into motivation, expand your comfort zone and ultimately become the best version of you!… READ MORE

The fastest way to limit your impact in anything you do is by caring what other people think. 
It’s easy to care about what others think and “censor” yourself so they won’t judge you. But this destroys your confidence.READ MORE

Many prospects don’t want to pay for a financial advisor even if their portfolio would grow faster with your help.
You’ll never convince these folks with pressure sales and endless phone calls.… READ MORE

You wake up with a splitting headache. Your employee screws up and you’re stuck with the bill. Then your deal falls through at the last minute.
It’s just one bad day, right?
But then you feel the stress creeping in.… READ MORE

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