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Real estate investors think hiring a VA will create more freedom, unlock more growth, and give them more peace of mind.
While finding and hiring VAs is a crucial ingredient for growth, there are many mistakes which waste your money without resulting in more closed deals.… READ MORE

The real estate industry is archaic compared to the tech industry. That’s why former tech employees can cause massive disruptions in real estate.
In fact, that’s exactly what today’s guest, former Facebook employee turned short-term rental investor, Sief Khafagi, did.… READ MORE

Most of us die with regrets. Amongst the top ones?
“I wish I had worked less”… “I wish I had spent more time with the people I loved”… and “I wish I had lived my own life”.
And a major cause of these regrets?… READ MORE

Many of my clients plan on moving to California after their residency. And so they ask if they should purchase disability insurance before moving.
My answer?
Absolutely! In fact, disability insurance costs 20-30% more in California compared to any of the 49 other states.… READ MORE

Back in 1999, I accidentally stumbled into the easiest way to make money. Since then, it’s generated an extra 7 figures to my bottom line — without me lifting a finger. In fact, it’s so easy that most people just ignore it.… READ MORE

Marketing is tough, time-consuming, and expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. This applies even more to groundbreaking products at the forefront of innovation. Look at Apple – they struggled for decades before they dominated their market.… READ MORE

If you keep up with what happens in marketing, you’ve probably heard about chatbots. They seem to be all the rage right now.
While hype often lies, the numbers chatbots can pull for savvy marketers are astounding.… READ MORE

As summer comes to a close, many of us feel a little blue; we’re not quite ready to bid adieu to the ease and flow of the season.
Before we know it, we’re back to the all-too-familiar hustle of everyday life, complete with that feeling of dread that creeps in Sunday evening and the reluctance with which you drag yourself out of bed and into your Monday morning commute.… READ MORE

Some kids aren’t cut out for the traditional educational path. Many students have untapped talents that are valuable in today’s workplace but are overlooked because they are forced into the old-school framework.… READ MORE

The residential construction industry is on the back side of the current business cycle. With a tightening market and softening demand you need to ensure you will have enough cash to cover jobs without relying on a Line Of Credit or constantly borrowing money. … READ MORE

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