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Suicide is the second leading cause of death for everyone up to age 45. It’s a tragedy—and a full out epidemic.
So why do so many people in our world choose to kill themselves instead of living out the rest of their days?… READ MORE

Entrepreneurs are selfish. What do I get for showing up? How can I benefit from giving? This is BS thinking. You see, the number 1 way to get anything you want in life is giving.
It’s amazing what can happen in life with 1 connection, 1 relationship, or 1 action.… READ MORE

A small family business fills its owner with pride, and motivates them to leave a legacy for their family.
But most small businesses have something in common: It’s just a job without time for a vacation with your loved ones.… READ MORE

When physicians reach out to me about disability policies, they always ask what types of disability policies are available.
There are two different types. But even though they’re both considered disability policies, one works in your favor and you may be forced to pay back your benefits with the other one.… READ MORE

You will always cap your growth if you don’t surround yourself with a good team. But building a team of talented people that get along with each other is difficult, especially for real estate investors.… READ MORE

We all know a guy like Joe. He’s a good dude. Drinks beer on Friday nights, and likes to shoot 12 point bucks on Sunday. He graduated high school, but never attended college. He got his high school sweetheart pregnant — which killed his college dreams — so he settled in his hometown and got hitched.… READ MORE

Do you ever have problems where it seems that no matter how many times you fix them, they keep re-appearing? You think you’ve taken care of them, but they pop up again and again.
They may be big resolutions you set every New Year’s Eve, or little aggravations that nag at you repeatedly.… READ MORE

Do you ever think about quitting your job and starting your own business?  It’s something that most aspire to.   However, they quit before they get started.
Because self-doubt and negative talk creeps in and sabotages them.… READ MORE

Running a clothing brand is a struggle in today’s world. And it becomes even more difficult if you sell random shorts and tops like most brands in the industry.
But you don’t have to run your brand like everyone else runs theirs.… READ MORE

Running a construction business is hard enough on its own. So many moving parts and details to look at. Then, you add accounting to the mix of complications.  This leads to long nights during tax season, confusion and overwhelm.… READ MORE

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