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Show highlights include:

Why not knowing what to do is crucial for changing your life (and where to find the best answer when you feel stuck) (2:31)
Why “Fake it till you make it” may be hurting you (and the authentic way to face your challenges with confidence in yourself) (4:18)
How to reverse the risk of despairing over the chaos in your life (even if you feel like you are fighting an uphill battle) (7:58)
The exact 4 steps you can take to overcome every new adversity that comes your way (10:21)

If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here: https://jillallencoaching.com/just-breathe-sisterhood/
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://jillallencoaching.com/be-fit-and-fierce/ and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

Most people live miserable lives. They have poor habits, bad influences, and an overall weak mindset.
What happens to these people?
They live a mediocre and unfulfilled life.
But there is hope.
With the right mindset and habits, you start attracting wealth and ultimately being fulfilled.… READ MORE

Most things in life turn out differently than we expect them to.
A new technology can turn an industry upside down.
Just as the career path we expect to follow until we retire, can turn into an inescapable trap.… READ MORE

Most business owners give themselves a new job. They work backbreaking hours and can’t spend time with their family.
The worst part?
They get minimal profits for their efforts.
Being trapped in this situation will lead to burnout and depression.… READ MORE

Many physicians end up paying more than necessary for the same exact disability policy as another one who pays half of what they do.
They committed one of the 5 major mistakes which skyrocket disability policy rates.… READ MORE

Here’s a tale of a winner and a loser: Moe wants to close his first multi-family deal (and amass a portfolio of a few thousand units.) The other day he closed his first 30 unit deal. He’s constantly making offers, raising money, getting attention, and making it happen.… READ MORE

When you go on vacation, there is a thin line between having a good time and being uncomfortable because of the personal hygiene kits provided by your lodge.
Many travelers have different preferences for bathing soaps and sprays, but do hotels and lodges consider this for each individual?… READ MORE

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can seem scary. And understandably so.
With so many holiday season milestones looming and approaching faster and faster, it’s easy to hit the panic button and live in dread of the stress surrounding them instead of joyful anticipation and holiday cheer.… READ MORE

There are 16 main personality types. And while each personality type offers different advantages and disadvantages, there’s a trend for which personality types make the most money and enjoy the most success.… READ MORE

It’s every leader’s nightmare:
You know exactly what needs to be done to grow the business. So you lay out the plan to your team.
They nod their heads, agree…
Then 3 months later they still haven’t done a thing.… READ MORE

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