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Reading an awesome book sent to me by a good friend and mentor.

It’s called “177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class” by Steve Siebold.

One thing I keep hearing again and again is how world class performers are in it for the long game.

While the Average Ordinary People of the world live in a “Microwave State” wanting immediate rewards for their actions.

The world class know it’s a long road to achieve their dreams.

They know they’ll have to work.

They’ll know they’ll have to sacrifice.

They know there will be pain.

And they’re mentally prepared to endure this for as long as Is takes to get what they want.

If you don’t have this fortitude… You won’t make it.

It reminds me of my friend Marty McDonald.

He’s runs a world class Social Media Agency who specializes in Beer and Golf.

Talk about a great gig.

The guy created an entire business pulling in 7 figures per year doing two of his favorite things.

I started talking to him three years ago about a podcast.

It didn’t happen then, but we stayed in touch.

And today I’m proud to announce that his new show Taps and Tees is on iTunes.

It took us years to make it happen.

And when it finally did it felt so good.

Anyways, you can get you ears filled with Taps and Tees at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/taps-and-tees/id1322479740?mt=2

Jonathan “Daddy’s Working” Rivera

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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