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Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery

Liquidity Needs at Death

Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery         Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery        
Liquidity Needs at Death           Liquidity Needs at Death          
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    You’ve got plenty of life left to live, so you don’t want to think too much about all the expenses involved when you die.

    But that’s dangerous, because without proper planning you could leave your loved ones a nightmare, even if you have a fortune in hard assets.

    Today I’ll share the most common financial obligations that show up when you pass away. Knowing what these are will help you plan so your family has the cash it needs if something unexpected happens to you.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    The “Big Five” death expenses. Overlooking even one of these could blindside your family and your finances. (1:11)
    Secret tactic, already used by mega-estate owners, to shield yourself from more taxes. (2:46)
    Why knowing a good estate attorney is worth the effort, and where to look to find one without hassle. (3:45)
    Startling truth about medical costs, and how they can derail your loved ones’ ability to receive your death benefit. (6:54)
    The “scrounge and scramble” way to make sure your family is miserable and struggling to make ends meet without you. (8:09)
    Can’t start a whole life policy now? What you should do immediately so your family isn’t vulnerable. (9:20)

    Reach out to me:
    Infinite Banking Mastery (infinitebankingnorthwest.com)

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