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Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery

If My Premium Must Go Down, How Does My Banking System Grow?

Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery         Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery        
If My Premium Must Go Down, How Does My Banking System Grow?           If My Premium Must Go Down, How Does My Banking System Grow?          
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    Growing your money can be tough if you don't know about the common mistakes out there.

    These mistakes could turn your savings into something the taxman wants a piece of…

    Or cost you thousands in the long run.

    In this episode, I'll tell you all about these mistakes and how to avoid them. I'll also show you how to safely grow your savings, more than you think is possible.

    Tune in now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    • How to grow your banking system even if your premium is going down (1:00)
    • Why you won’t be able to add extra premium to your contract (and how to fix it) (1:23)
    • How to prevent your contract from becoming taxable (So that you don’t end up losing extra cash that would have otherwise been a profit) (1:52)
    • The sneaky way your contract makes loans taxable (and how to go around it) (2:15)
    • Want to keep funding your contract at the same level or higher? Here’s the ONLY way you can do that (4:07)
    • The exclusive way to end up with a larger pool of cash (Note: This helps you build a larger banking system than the one you started with) (5:10)
    • The KEY to growing your banking system to the max in minimum time (8:05)
    • Are all your debts paid for? Here’s what you should do with the loan/debt repayments that you no longer have to make. (8:47)

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