You’ve heard the downsides of term life insurance and now you’re wondering: “Why would I ever buy term?!”
But the truth is, there are times where it’s a smart move. And in today’s episode I’m sharing a boatload of reasons term life insurance can make sense for you or your loved ones.… READ MORE
Critics of Infinite Banking say term life insurance is the way to go. And while I believe there’s a place for term insurance, that doesn’t mean it’s for everybody. And there are things you should know that you can’t expect to hear from the people who sell and promote it.… READ MORE
You’ve learned enough about the benefits of Infinite Banking you’re starting to wonder: Why doesn’t everybody know about this!
Is it a conspiracy?
A plot to keep you in the dark?
Not exactly.
There’s a simpler (but still serious) explanation, and I’m sharing it in today’s episode.… READ MORE
You don’t like to think about it. But you know that in a blink something could happen that leaves you financially responsible for a fortune.
But you don’t have a fortune. So now what? Can creditors or the government come after everything you have?… READ MORE
You know that IBC is built on cash value whole life insurance policies, so you might think term life isn’t worth your attention.
Don’t be so sure!
It turns out, term life insurance can make it easier for you to build your banking system.… READ MORE
You’ve got plenty of life left to live, so you don’t want to think too much about all the expenses involved when you die.
But that’s dangerous, because without proper planning you could leave your loved ones a nightmare, even if you have a fortune in hard assets.… READ MORE
If you have disability coverage at work you probably think you’re “all set” if something happens.
But the truth is, most coverage offered by employers hides terrible surprises. Surprises that mean you’ll get a lot less than you think, if you ever need to collect benefits.… READ MORE
You’ve heard people use that dreaded “D” word…
It’s dreaded for good reason, because even temporary disability can demolish your savings. And yet, so many people don’t give this danger a second thought.… READ MORE
You know the appeal of “being your own bank” and how you can use your IBC system to effectively give yourself a loan.
And since you know those loans would ultimately be taken out of your death benefit, you might be thinking “Why not borrow the money, and then never pay the loan back?”
It’s easy to think this way.… READ MORE
Nobody looks at the terms of a loan and thinks “I wish I could pay higher interest on this!”
So you might look at loans you make to yourself through your IBC the same way: “I’ll just pay back at the low rate the insurance company charges, and no higher.”
Believe it or not, thinking like this could cost you!… READ MORE