You know one of the benefits of an Infinite Banking Concept is the ability to “be your own banker” and borrow against your life insurance policy.
But you might be wondering: “How exactly do I do that?”
No need to worry, because in this episode I’ll lay it all out for you step-by-step.… READ MORE
It’s not uncommon for people to hear about Infinite Banking and think it’s too good to be true. They think there must be some downside!
And while I don’t believe there are any actual downsides, there are a few things that could look bad when you’re just starting to learn the ins and outs of IBC.… READ MORE
Everybody thinks about retirement.
Not everybody thinks about how they’ll have the cash flow they need to enjoy retirement.
Today I’m here to help you with that. I’ll explain four different options for retirement cash flow so you can see which ones make sense for you.… READ MORE
Your savings options are limited if you want to access money tax free: there are Roth IRAs and cash value life insurance.
You won’t know which option is best for you without taking a closer look, so in this episode I’ll give you an honest overview and explain why I always prefer Whole Life insurance.… READ MORE
You’ve heard about Index Universal Life (IUL) policies, and the benefits sound great: Who wouldn’t like the sound of getting to enjoy (limited) climbs in the stock market while being protected against crashes.… READ MORE
You’ve heard the advice: If you can afford it, get a 15-year mortgage because of all the interest you’ll save compared to a 30-year mortgage.
It’s true you’d pay a lot less interest to the bank on a 15-year mortgage, but does that make it the best decision?… READ MORE
You know without financial literacy your kids will become sitting ducks for credit card companies. But when do you start teaching? And how can you do it without boring them?
In this episode I’ll share appropriate ages to begin (and advance) a child’s financial education, key topics to cover, and how to create teachable moments they’ll remember.… READ MORE
Infinite Banking is meant to help you take control of the banking function of your life, and keep your savings safe from the volatility of financial markets.
But lately some self-proclaimed IBC specialists are setting their clients up with a type of permanent life insurance that looks good on paper, but actually exposes their savings to the same type of uncertainties they were trying to avoid in the first place.… READ MORE
We might be in a new year, but the important principles Nelson Nash taught in Becoming Your Own Banker remain timeless.
That’s why in this episode we’re diving deeper into the book for more important takeaways.… READ MORE
You owe the US Government $519,000 (and growing).
That’s how much you (and every other American) needs to pay in order to bring down Uncle Sam’s debt. What’s even crazier is this:
According to retirement expert Ed Slott, the Federal government can increase their percentage of your savings whenever they need more money — and that day is coming soon.… READ MORE