Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

After helping 34+ experts launch and grow their podcasts to millions of downloads over the last ten years.

You'd think I'd know better.

But I made one of the biggest rookie mistakes when I started recording the #DaddysWorking Podcast.

Instead of using the same setup I've been using since the beginning.

I decided to get all fancy and get a recording booth.

The result…

Some pretty crappy sound.

Which is kinda embarrassing since I run a company called “The Podcast Factory.”

Anyways, if you want to make fun of my sound.

Or you want to find out what my “Poor Dad, Rich Dad” story is all about…

You can grab the new show on iTunes http://DaddysWorking.com/iTunes/

And if you don't like iTunes, no worries.

Daddy's got your back.

You can listen directly on our site at http://DaddysWorking.com/podcast/

Jonathan #DaddysWoring Rivera

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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